Clint X Reader {Family}

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Clint X Female!Reader
Song: Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran

Your POV
I huffed, walking down the stairs of Stark Towers. Being pregnant in this tower wasn't the easiest thing in the world, especially with twins. I made it down to the main room and plopped down on the couch, taking a deep breath.

"Hey Y/N. How ya feeling?" I heard my brother, Steve, ask. I turned around and smiled, putting my hands on my belly.

"Pretty good! I'm 6 months today." I said, smiling. Steve smiled and plopped down next to me, putting his hand on my belly. Our grandfather was an identical twin, so it ran in our family.

"Wow. These boys are gonna be here soon." Steve said, smiling. I smiled and nodded.

"Speaking of boys, Where's Clint?" Steve asked.

"He's still upstairs asleep. He got back from his mission late last night." I said, smiling as I felt a baby kick.

"More like was asleep." I heard Clint's voice say. I turned around and smiled at my husband. He smiled and came over to me, kissing my lips lightly. I kissed back and felt him put his hands on my belly. He pulled away and smiled, walking towards the kitchen.

"How are you feeling today, my queen?" Clint asked, grabbing an apple out of the fridge.

"I'm pretty good. These boys are just getting heavy." I said, smiling. Clint smiled and sat down on the couch next to me. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Do you guys have any names picked out yet?" Steve asked. I looked up at Clint and smiled.

"We were thinking Caleb and Collin." Clint said. I smiled and nodded.

"Aww. That's so sweet. Good names." Steve said. I smiled and nodded.

•3 Months Later•
  I was finally 9 months pregnant, which meant I would be delivering the boys super soon. The problem was, Fury made Clint go on a mission two weeks ago and he still wasn't back.

"Steve I'm so nervous. What if he doesn't get back in time?" I asked, biting my nail. My brother smiled and put his hands on my knee.

"Calm down, Y/N. You aren't due for another two weeks. I know Clint will be home way before then." Steve said. I smiled and nodded, but soon felt a rush of water down my legs and pains in my stomach.

"Oh. My god." I said, standing up. Steve looked at me with wide eyes.

"I'm going into labor!?" I yelled, my eyes widening. I was shocked. I wasn't due for another two weeks. I looked up to see Nat, Tony, Stephen, and Bucky run into the room.

"What's going on?!" Tony asked, standing next to his husband.

"Y/N IS GOING INTO LABOR!" Steve yelled as contractions began.

"Labor!? You aren't due for another two weeks!" Stephen said. I looked at him, pains shooting down my legs and my stomach.

"NO SHIT SHERLOCK! GET ME TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!" I yelled. Tony and Steve quickly rushed to help me. We walked down the stairs and to Tony's garage. We jumped into Steve's truck.

"BUCKY DRIVE! TONY HELP ME MAKE SURE Y/N IS OK. STEPHEN, NAT, TRY AND GET A HOLD OF CLINT!" Steve yelled, helping me in the back seat. Everyone nodded and I sat in the middle, Steve and Tony holding my hands. Nat sat up from with Bucky and Stephen squeezed in next to Tony. Bucky hit the gas, flying to the hospital.

"Squeeze my hand when it hurts, Y/N." Tony said. I nodded and felt a contraction coming. I growled in pain, squeezing Tony and Steve's hands.

"OW! GODDAMNIT WHERE IS CLINT!?" I yelled. Natasha looked back and frowned.

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