1: 1990 Quarter

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"OH MY GOD BETH!" My best friend, Cass, sobbed into the phone. "I FINISHED CHAMPION AND OH MY GOD WHEN DAY SEE'S HIS MOM AND THEN HE WAKES UP AND DOESN'T REMEMBER JUNE." She added while sobbing more. "I know I know." "Just come on over and we can cry together." I replied. "O-ok." She stuttered. "I ju-ust can't right n-ow. It's so-o sAaAaD!" Cass continued with her tears as the call carried on. "Yeah, we can watch something funny and make some food okay?" I asked in a comforting tone. I wasn't annoyed since I had recently finished the series and was the one to get her hooked on it. I remember that ending, it made me react the same way. I literally was depressed for a week. I couldn't bring myself to accept how it ended. Now, I see Cass going through my struggle.

We say our goodbyes and I hang up. She should be here in around 20 minutes if traffic doesn't stop her. I decided to get my room ready by hauling a stash of blankets from a basket downstairs, and grabbing some bags of sugary coated candy goodness. My hands grabbed for the remote as I clicked each button to go on Netflix. What today? I scrolled through the explore and decided it would be best to wait for Cass. 15 minutes left. I could maybe take a walk down the river during that time.

I decided on walking and grabbed a pair of some dirty running shoes I found in the dark corner of my closet. Just your average black Nike gym shoes. Nothing special, maybe for the mud stains on them.

I dash down each step of the stairwell, trying to avoid cracking off some of the dried mud onto the cream carpet. Success! I mentally congratulate myself for not making my mom anger-filled today. Once I reached the door, I gripped the handle and pushed out the glass door in front of me. I walked out as I heard it creak behind to close.

I trotted down my sidewalk until I reached the silent meadow. The sun gazing onto the large rocks, giving them a yellow sheen. The wild flowers and tall grasses filled each crevasse of land. And finally, the beautiful clear river that flowed through it all. The churning and swooshing of the water was all my ears could pick up. I glanced at my watch. 5:50. Cass should be here in around 10 minutes now. It takes me 3 minutes to get here so I have approximately around 5 minutes here so I can get back on time to be prepared for her to walk in.

My eyes trail along this beautiful nature scene. It's so at peace here, all the plants sway with the evening wind. The river and its rapids creating a little mist into the air.

The sun seems to have picked up something. In the corner of my eye I notice a glare, a reflection off of something. My mind turns curious as I turn to see what the item may be. I shift over to where it is. Its a small a silverly quarter. It looks a little old. I turn the coin in my hand to see the date. 1990! Sweet! Just like Day's necklace! I'll be sure to show Cass my finding. I push the coin into my back pocket of my dark skinny jeans and decide it's a good time to head back.

I decide to pull out the coin again. My fingers graze over the indentations on it. What a coincidence for me to find a quarter that is from 1990. The coin, once cold, now is warm from my touch. I hold onto it firmly in my palm as my muddy shoes hit the pavement.

My dirty blonde hair blows wildly in the wind. My bright emerald eyes are fixated on what's in front of me. I check my watch, 5:56. Why does this path seem to warp and become longer than usual? The sunset has created a block in my vision because now all I see is bright gold in my eyes. Wait. Why am I only seeing bright? This hasn't happened before? I'm left with my thoughts as the world around me seems to spin causing my balance to give out. My palms hit hard against the concrete causing a wincing pain to abrupt. "Ow!" I say removing my hands from the...dirt?

Wait. Where am I?

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