Chapter: 7[]Grade A Monster pt.2

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(Summary of Damien and Oz so far: Damien's a tall, cocky shit and Oz just wants to tutor him with no problems. Also, — = scene that is happening present time away from the main character's. ~~~ = Flashback.)

This situation isn't in either sides favour, Damien didn't want to be lectured for what he always does. Saying what they think what's best for him and how he's 'disgracing his royal family,' Damien could repeat it off by heart. There was also the situation with the noob, they were suppose to tutor him so he could get his motorcycle back but the noob didn't show up early enough.
And not only that but the little monster sitting across from him could turn into some kind of room-eating hunk that sent Damien multiple mixed messages, he grew rather curious of what this monsters deal is.

Oz on the other hand wanted to get the fuck out of there, Damien had seen them, he has seen a part of them that they wanted to keep away from everyone. For their own and everyone else's safety. It's not as simple as 'if some monsters finds out what I truly am something bad will happen!' Sort of thing, it's never that simple.

Leaning over with their hands clasped together Oz gave out a huge sigh to get the demons attention, which the demon seems to reluctantly look straight at Oz. Here we go.

"What's up small fry?" Damien said with a half-curious half-pissed tone, he only said one sentence and Oz is already worried about where this conversation is going to go. They have to stay on topic.

"You know what's up Damien, I asked to meet in a library NOT a room with an endless supply of ashes! This was my space and burning it down wasn't part of the deal."

Damien leaned back chuckling a bit while finally finding the problem that blocked his ear, it was a fire ant that was on fire, literally. "You snooze you lose noob, should've been faster. If you give a pyromaniac a torch and point him in the direction of a village made of wood, do you NOT think he's not gonna set fire to that village?" He said while examining the fire ant crawl on his hand for a bit before crushing it with his other hand.

Oz gave out a frustrated mind sigh, they can tell that Damien is not gonna change his mind with a little talk session with a monster he barely knows, but they're glad that the topic of their powers hasn't come up, for now. "Listen Damien, I could talk your mind off for eternity about why you shouldn't be doing what you always do, but I'm not." Damien perks up to that, "How about... a few condition tweaks to our deal?" Damien eyes look like they sparked, he sits up from his relaxed state in the fire proof chair, "Now you're speaking a language I can understand!" The phobias facepalm simultaneously. He's not werewolf stupid, but that doesn't make him smart either.

Oz shifted in their chair to a more relaxed state, they're gonna be there for a while and probably miss a class, They're sure the excuse of almost burning to death in what used to be a library will get them off the hook. "First off, don't burn our study locations to the ground, with or without me there." Damien gave a huff and a slight frown, "Fine." So far so good, "Second, we need to set our study schedule—"  A collective noise of sirens start approaching.

Sirens. Police sirens. Oh boy.

You'd be surprised on how strict of the monster world can be with laws, it's nearly maximum security level thanks to all the different types of monsters that exist.
The two monsters looked at the window then to each other with an 'oh shit' expression, or whatever expression Oz can put on their face. Guess they aren't gonna be there for a while after all.

A tired, hefty voice started to speak though a megaphone, Damien and Oz were on the third floor, but the cops didn't know that Oz was there. "Look Damien this has been the 6th time this month, just turn yourself in before you get into more trouble. It makes my job so much easier." There was a pause, then a long sigh, "No Chief Squid the building hasn't burnt down, surprisingly."
Oz was at a loss of what to do in this situation, sure they did a handful of crimes here and there, but that was in a group of four, and it was carefully planned. There's only two of them and the situation is constantly improvised. Oz thought of running away, they have no scent so it would be easy, but their clothes have a smokey burnt scent and that's where that problem emerges. Oz wasn't feeling up to public stripping right now, especially in this situation.

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