Chapter: 5[]This was Gonna Be Harder than They First Thought...

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"What was that about?" Amira asked with a raise of her shoulders, Brian just stared as Oz reclaimed their seat. "Well, you know how Brian asked me about my prom date, right?" Vicky gave a small but excited gasp as she finally connected the dots, "You're going with Damien to prom?!"

"You're going with DAMIEN to PROM!?" Amira almost looked a mix between hysterical and angry, her hair growing more wildly and bright. "Yes— wait you watching me Vicky?" Oz asked a little frantically as they looked back and fourth between the Djinn and the Frankenstein Monster. Amira quickly replied as she leaned across the table and grabbed Oz's shoulders, "We were all watching you Oz— but that's besides the point. Remember when we first met at the start of high-school? When Damien was trying to cut off my head and hands for his 'fire collection' and you stepped in and took my hand, threw a banana in his face, and booked it with me until we couldn't hear his screaming anymore?" "Yeah, and that's where I met Brian and Vicky as well!" Oz felt a nostalgic feeling climb their back, it was either that or the phobias. Brian sighed, "I heard five classrooms were set on fire that day." Vicky bumped in the conversation as well, "Why and how did you get Damien to go to prom with you?" Oz glanced in Damien direction who seemed to be leaving the cafeteria, probably heading to the library as he said he would.

Oz said slowly, "It's...a secret..." Vicky started to giggle and roll her eyes. "Add that one to the list, you're full of secrets Oz." The bell rang and monsters started to leave and the noise started to die down, Amira let go of Oz's shoulders and stood up out of her seat. "Oz all I'm saying is be careful of that weirdo, okay?" Oz stood up and started to take their leave, they looked back and said, "Thanks I will, besides it's only one night. It's not like I'm gonna start dating him or anything." Oz left the cafeteria to their next class to tell the teacher that they would be spending the class in the library to study. It was a review day so Oz was sure the teacher would say yes. Oz had a consistent attendance, not a perfect attendance.
Heels start to click towards the three monsters by the doorway. "How many days will it be before Oz will start dating Damien before prom? Losers have to pay up $10 each"

"Vera, how nice it is for you to join us," Brian lazily sounding sarcastic. The cold but seductive Medusa sneers as she stops beside Amira. Brian continues, "Dare I ask how you know this information?" Amira smirks, "It's not very hard to find out information when your prom date is half-screaming about it." Amira looks away as she feels her face starting to heat up. Vera doesn't miss even one opportunity to possibly gain money. Vicky butts in, "I say one week!" Vera smiles, "I say two weeks." Brian shrugs, $40 dollars sounds nice enough."Two and a half for me." They all look at Amira whose eyes are looking down, giving little frustrated huffs and mumbles as her fire hair crackles like a long winter fire in the night. She finally looks up and smiles, chuckling to put off the stick-in-the-mud mood she gave only moments ago. "You guys are all assholes you know that?" Amira continues, "Two weeks for me too." Vera's eyes flash like she signed a golden agreement that promised riches with no strings attached, "Then it's settled, can't wait for you all to lose. Bye my pretty little prom date." Vera blows a kiss to Amira as they all start to head to their separate classes.
Of course Oz had permission to go to the library to study, they expected nothing less. Oz was feeling pretty nervous as they passed by the lockers, they never tutored before, that was more of Liam's area. I mean how hard can tutoring destructive royalty of Hell really be? Oz thought if Damien was royalty, he was bound to take etiquette classes as a kid.... right?

Oz reached the door that said 'Library' on a slim, small wooden block below the window that was on the door. Smoke seemed to pour out of the door as soon as Oz opened it, along with the horrid screams of many monsters as some run out of the door past Oz. Through the blinding smoke Oz could make out multiple monsters jumping out the library windows, probably a desperate attempt to save themselves from the smoke and roaring bonfire of books that was sitting in the middle of the room. Oz could only guess who set this room as they could hear a combination of laughing and borderline choking. Oz didn't need to look through the smoke to tell that voice belonged to Damien, Oz reluctantly walked in the library and shut the door behind them. What was a rather beautiful place in Oz's opinion, now belonged to roaring flames and blinding smoke.

This was gonna be harder then they first thought.

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