Nursing Professor Pompous. Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

Earlier today Misty had been shopping for Net Balls at the Lumiose Pokeball boutique. The shops in Kanto did not sell Net Balls in bulk, therefore, once or twice a year she would take a boat to the Kalos region to stock up.

Misty had rented a small hatchback and filled it to the roof with boxes and boxes of Net Balls. She had been - admittedly - overzealous upon seeing the sale prices and bought several more boxes than usual. In fact, she had purchased so many boxes that she could barely cram them all into the vehicle. Her rear windshield view was obstructed.

Misty was a cautious driver and she distinctly remembered glancing into her side mirrors before shifting into reverse. At that moment she swore that the parking lot was clear! But . . . then there was a thud. She had backed into something - bumping it hard - and immediately slammed on her breaks! Misty leapt into action, rushing out of the car and praying that she had not hit a Pokemon! It never occurred to her that there would be a human behind her. And yet, there he was: a brunette man laying face down on the pavement, completely unconscious.

Fast forward through a call to emergency services, the arrival of the ambulance, police, insurance agent and, well, here she was now. Walking toward room E-7 . . .to face the guy she almost ran over.

Misty did not even recognize that she had hit Gary. It was not until Officer Jenny arrived on the scene that she identified Misty's "victim" as the young professor.

Misty wondered if Gary Oak would even remember her from their childhood? A part of her hoped not. Gary was an unbearably obnoxious child. Each time his path crossed her, Brock and Ash it ended in a fight (and usually tears of frustration from Ash). Gary incessantly flaunted his superior everything in front of his rival.

Misty would rather risk roasting marshmallows on a wild Magmar than be in the company of young Gary Oak!

In addition to behaving like a pompous, spoiled jerk, Gary Oak looked like one too.

Childhood Gary had these infuriatingly cute dimples that surfaced on his checks when he boasted of his latest Pokemon catch. And the way he would haughtily frisk his fingers through those long spikes of hair, bragging away, UGH! It was annoying how his hair looked perfectly soft and silky like Eevee fur. BLAH! And his completion?! Misty didn't even want to get started listing her complains about his skin. How was his skin always clear and tan?! TAN! Even when they would cross paths in a blizzard! The little punk never seemed to get a zit! And Misty definitely did NOT want to even think about his eyes. Those aggravating twin sapphires . . . they flared with such ego, such challenge. Fangirls swarmed around Gary constantly, like pathetic starving Fearow's, desperate for him to just glance their way with those confident eyes. How the hell could a human being even have eyes bluer than the lake Misty trained her Pokemon in? Blah! Every time she was around him her face was hot, her cheeks flushed . . . burning as though she HAD been making smores via Magmar. UGH!

And THAT is how angry young Gary Oak made young Misty Waterflower.

Gary Oak was obviously pathetic back then. But, considering how he was now a three time doctoral graduate and research scientist blah blah blah, then certainly he would be able to handle her accidental bumping into him maturely now, right?

Misty had no reason to be nervous in facing him. After all, she reminded herself again, you aren't in jail. And if anything he probably owed her an apology for causing a list of childhood frustrations.

Approaching room E-7, Misty quickly checked her reflection in a nearby window. She needed to look like she was a respectable member of society who just had some bad luck with a car. Misty was dressed in a cute sea-foam green romper that nearly matched the shade of her eyes. It was a modest, though stylish outfit with a high neck and length that fell just past her knees. Misty had outgrown her teenage 'tom boy' body and developed a curvy figure to match her older sisters. Years of daily swim-training had made Misty physically fit. Growing up living in swimsuits and mid-drift tops, Misty was never shy about her figure, but she rarely flaunted it as outwardly as her sisters did. Unless of course she were flaunting her bare skin for her ex-boyfriend, Chaz.

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