I loved that pain

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My life is incomplete without that pain.
I'm not in the habbit of living without that pain.
Because I loved that pain.
I found tranquility in that pain.
I loved those wounds that you gave me,
I loved those wounds that my fate had granted me
Now I can't live without that pain,
Now I can't smile without that pain.
I become restless at night,
When I think you are no longer giving me pain.
Before I was in pain, Now still I'm in pain.
But I loved that pain, And I hate this pain.
Before my heart was hurting, now my heart is dead.
My eyes were used to being soaked,
My lashes were used to being moist.
The pain of not getting your pain eradicated my all emotions.
Snatched the tears of my eyes,
Made my life lifeless
Now I've no heart, no tears.
Just a desire to have that pain back.

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