A lie

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This world is a lie.
We all have to die.

This  love  is  a  lie.
These souls are a lie.

They said they love you?
Soon they'll forget you!

Soon they'll disappear,
Or soon you'll disappear!

They'll leave you lying,
You'll be left crying.

This love will end.
This world will end.

This life is a dream babe.
You're being fooled babe.

Open your eyes!
This dream will be over.

You'll find yourself in the darkness.
There   will    be   no  brightness.

You  will   shout!
No one will hear you.

You'll crave for happiness.
This  world  is   heartless.

This love is illusion.
This life is a delusion.

Darkness is eternal.
Loneliness is eternal.

You've to love this darkness.
You've to love this loneliness.

Hey, Don't be hopeless
Don't  be  senseless.

This darkness isn't boundless.
This loneliness isn't endless.

This love isn't illusion.
This life isn't delusion.

This   love  is  eternal.
This happiness is eternal.

You've to hate this darkness.
You've to hate this loneliness.

You'll see a light,
That'll be very bright.

Open your eyes babe.
This dream will be over babe.

You'll see the happiness.
You'll feel the merriness.

You'll be left shinning.
You'll meet them smiling.

This love isn't a lie.
These souls aren't a lie.

They said they love you?
They will never forget you.

Always be hopeful,
Always be cheerful.

This world isn't a lie.
True love never dies.

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