Teaser ;)

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“You can’t just give up like that! He’s your lobster!”


“You know, he’s your lobster. Come on, you’re the smartest girl I know and believe me I don’t know a lot of smart girls” she gave her a knowing look but all she saw was a confused look in return, she let out a exasperated sigh and said “please don’t tell me you haven’t heard of the Lobster Theory”

“What the hell is the Lobster Theory?! Are you smoking pot again?”

“You know just because I come up with great ideas does not mean I’m high all the time. The Lobster Theory is a well-known theory invented by one of the most quirkiest woman I know. She’s brilliant and sometimes misunderstood for being an air-head, but she’s really smart under all that blonde hair, probably smarter then you” her mind wandered off thinking about all the intelligent concepts invented by that woman.

Suddenly, there were five long fingers waving across her face “Hello earth to I’m so high I should be a cloud, you still haven’t explained what the Lobster Theory is”

She let out another sigh and replied “Look it is a well-known fact that when two lobsters fall in love they mate for life. Hence he is your lobster, you can’t let go off him” an incredulous look washed upon the confused girls face and she spluttered out

“That’s not true! I haven’t ever heard of that theory”

“Huh, well maybe you’re not as smart as I thought you were”

“There is no such thing as a Lobster Theory”

“Just because you haven’t heard of it does not make it any less true. You thought Victoria’s Secret was a shop for undercover agents and look what it turned out to be!”

“The shops name shouldn’t be so misleading!”

She chuckled softly “Listen the Lobster Theory worked out for perfectly for Ross and Rachel, and it will totally work for you, no matter what the universe throws your way, he is your lobster and your are his”

A/N: Just a teaser of what might be coming. If you are reading this thank you ever so much. It's a story about love, friendship and blah blah blah all that stuff. But this is just something I quickly put together. There will be lots and lots more to come. It would be great if i could get some feedback, your thoughts, votes and comments will mean so much to me. Again thank you for reading! :) :) :) 

P.S. dedicated to angelspin becasue her book 'White Masquerade' is just sooo amazing, if you haven't read it, what the hell are you waiting for? haha 

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