"Take care of yourself Hun! Love you!" She said

"Me too.." And then she hung up

"Can you give me the letter this creepy dude sent you..?" Audrey asked.. I nodded my head pointing at the crumbled paper laying on the carpeted floor.. Audrey's eyes roamed through the letter, her eyes widened for a second then she looked at me

"It's the same one we got back in Barcelona.. Probably 2 to 3 years ago.." She said slowly, her voice shook slightly

"Yeah it is.." Gerard said slowly.. I sighed, nodding my head

"Yeah I know.." I said my voice shook from all the crying..

"Shit! He followed you.." Gerard cussed..

"We should have hidden you from the spotlight.. It's all my fault.. Goddamn it!" He yelled angrily.. Shakira went up to him wrapping her arms around his waist

"Ger.. Baby.. Calm down.. We are not going to blame or point fingers alright?! It's not your fault.. Neither anyone's fault! Get it!" She exclaimed

"It's Christmas.. Just like last time.. Macy you have to be careful.. No getting out of the house unless you have either mesut, Thomas, Neymar or your brother!" Audrey said sternly..

"I wasn't planning anyways.." I mumbled

"Audrey's right.. And it is on Christmas.. Just like before.." Shakira said frowning at the last part

"I'm not leaving you alone.. I'll be here with you and that's final.." Gerard said sternly

"Gerard.. I have Audrey, mandy and mesut with me.. I think I'll be okay.." I said reassuringly, he shook his head stubbornly

"It's neither anyone's job to protect you Macy! It's me.. Okay?!" He said sternly

"Gerard.. I'm a grown up! I can take care of myself.." I said calmly yet my voice rose on every word

"No you can't MACY!!! I will not leave you alone and that's final! I don't want to loose you again.." He yelled but his voice cracked at the last part

"Audrey.. I need your help with.. The laundry.." Shakira said quickly before pulling Audrey with her upstairs... The laundry room is right next door..

"Gerard.. I'm not going anywhere.." I whispered softly.. He shook his head blinking the tears away

"Macy.. Please.. I can't stand the feeling I have whenever your alone.. I don't want you to disappear again.. You never know what will this sick bastard do to you if he laid his hands on you.. I'm your brother it's my job to protect you from any harm this stupid messed up world could creat.. Macy I love you so much to let you slip out of my fingers or disappear in a blink of an eye.. Please.." He said his voice cracked at the end, tears filled his and my eyes.. I sighed loudly though it turned out shaky, I went up to Gerard pulling him into a hug burying my face in his chest

"I'm not and will never go away Gerard.. Your my only family.." I mumbled against his chest.. I never see my 'mom' and 'dad' and my real parents are sick bastards which I hate with all my heart.. Gerard is all I have left

"Please let me stay.. And promise you won't leave me" He whispered softly, I nodded my head sighing

"I promise Gerard.. And yes you can.." I said looking at him, he kissed my forehead before backing a bit away

"We have to do something about this situation.." He said sitting on the couch..

"There is nothing we can do Gerard.." I said sighing tiredly

"We have to do something though!!" He exclaimed hopelessly

"Until he shows up again.. We'll be prepared.." I said yawning

What happened to Forever? (Sequel to YHMH)Where stories live. Discover now