Luke, Sophie, and Drake

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These three were created around the same time as the Dragon Sisters, but they're from a different dimension/universe.

Being seven years old I wasn't just obsessed with dragons. It was also pokemon. I'd collect their figurines (only my favourite pokemon though), watch the movies, play the games, etc.

Luke: Luke is calm, stubborn, protective, curious, and fun. He loves the food his trainer cooks for him and always looks forward for a pokemon battle.

Sophie: Sophie is a pokemon trainer who is super sweet to all pokemon. She's caring, kind, and hopes one day to be one of the best pokemon trainers. She loves cooking, battling, and just hanging out with her pokemon. Her best pokemon is Luke.

Drake: Drake is very hot headed and will do anything to get what he wants. But deep down, he's just really depressed. He likes winning and stealing stuff out of Pokemon Trainers' bags.

Lucario for the longest time was my favourite pokemon. When I started playing the games, I would literally be on a rilu hunt😂 I finally got one and evolved it, coming up with this crazy story.

Sophie was kinda just a quick OC because I couldn't have a story without her.

Blazekin I never really liked, but thought his powers were amazing. I don't know how I actually came to create him though.

Backstory: When Luke was only a rilu, he had a different trainer. He tried his best to please his old trainer, but nothing ever worked. Abused and neglected... one day, The old trainer ran into a girl and asked for a battle. Of course, she agreed. The girl won and instead of money asked for the rilu. The trainer gave her the rilu. Luke could use telepathy and told her his name was Luke. And he's been with her ever since.

Sophie always dreamed of being a pokemon trainer, but was always to nervous to do so. Her starter was a Turtwig that eventually evolved into a Torterra. With Luke and Torterra, she was able to beat her older brother.

Drake is a stray Blazekin (probably spelt that wrong as well). (Yes, I kinda mixed regions😂) His trainer was an amazing trainer that hatched him from an egg and took care of him as a torchic. The trainer passed away and Drake was left alone. He learned to fight for himself and just be a wild pokemon. He evolved himself and learned to trust no one. One day, he saw the girl and Luke fighting against wild pokemon. He instantly became jealous of their friendship and has tried to steal Luke's trainer ever since.

Tell me what you think, till next time, Au Revoir!

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