I walked closer to Amelia's bed and bent down to meet her gaze, "Baby I'll be right in this room when you get back, I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'm right here." I held her hand in mine and gave her a couple of kisses on her head.

"Okay, mom okay." Amelia replied. With that, they helped Amelia out of the hospital bed and led her to the wheelchair. With being in the hospital for this long, she was able to be in regular pajamas, so she was in a button-up shirt and shorts with a bathrobe. I looked over to my daughter's legs, and I had never seen the bruises on them until now. The bruises were all over her legs, purple and blue. I had to compose myself so that she would not see me staring. I can't begin to comprehend how she is going to heal from this.


Dr. Grey and Maria wheeled me out of my room as I looked back at Stef and gave her a small smile as I made my way to the testing room. As much as I am grateful to be alive, I was so sick of all the testing and hospital workers seeing me every day. I have been here long enough where the workers know my name and greeted me as they passed me in the hallway.

"You're popular here, huh?" Maria said, wheeling me down the hallway.

"I guess so, I don't think I love being this popular in a hospital though, I would love to go home." I replied.

"I know honey. Hopefully soon." She rubbed my shoulder. We got to the scanning room where she wheeled me up to the area where I would be laying down.

"Okay hon, let me help you up." Maria took my hands and eased me onto the bed. "I know this will be tough, but I need you to be still for 30 minutes while you're laying down so the machine can take the best pictures of your body, Okay?"

"Okay." I replied. I looked all over while I was in the massive machine that I would be laying in for the next 30 minutes and wanted absolutely no part of it. I was usually not a claustrophobic person, but these days anything like that would automatically freak me out.

I laid on the bed of the machine for what seemed like an eternity, letting my thoughts attempt to pass the time. I was very eager to get out of the hospital and back home with my siblings and moms, but the word "adoption" hasn't been spoken in a while, and it's making me think that once I get back to feeling healthy, they'll release me to another foster home.

The machine whirred an extremely loud noise and it caused me to jerk on the table.

"Try to stay as still as possible, hon." Maria reminded me.

"I'm sorry." I replied sheepishly. I am still jumpy and on edge from the kidnapping and attack. Every other time I close my eyes, I am transported back to Patrick on top of me, either raping me or beating me. I don't know how I am going to heal from this, and I am terrified Stef and Lena won't want me anymore. I'm broken, damaged goods. I wouldn't be surprised if they requested a transfer and got a new foster child.

Before I knew it, the machine turned off and my thoughts were interrupted by Maria coming into the room to help me up.

"Okay honey, you're all set, let me help you into the chair." Maria wheeled the chair over to me as I got up slowly and sat down. She put a blanket over my legs and wheeled me out of the room to go back into my hospital room.

"Okay guys, put the balloons over by her bed." I directed Mariana and Jesus as they put pink and purple balloons all around Amelia's hospital bed. Brandon held up the sign that read "Get well soon!"

"Mama where do you want me to put the sign?" B asked me.

"Why don't you just hold it up so she can see it when she comes back." I replied. The kids are so eager to see Amelia, they were talking about it the entire car ride.

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