"Hi, Stef! How is Amelia doing?" She said as she answered the phone.

"Hi Laura, she's, ah, she is on the mend for sure. Hopefully, she will be home soon. She had a lot of internal bleeding, a really bad concussion, and is going to have to do physical therapy from a bad hip injury, but is doing well." At this point in the conversation, I just wanted her to cut to the chase. I sighed and continued on, "You said you had an update on the case?"

"Yes." She replied. "The state is charging Patrick with rape and assault along with violation of the restraining order that was placed on him after Amelia was pulled from his house." She went on, "And Dan and Veronica are charged with neglect of a minor and kidnapping. The cases are separate, and the prosecution has really strong cases, so it is incredibly likely that they will be going away for an extremely long time."

I let out a huge sigh of relief and choked up. "That is the best news a mom could ever receive about their child, thank you so much." I said, fighting back tears.

"Stef, it's my pleasure." She sighs, "I do have one question for you."

My heart dropped again and I instantly tensed up. "Mhm?"

Laura started, "Would Amelia be up for testifying against Patrick and her birth parents. The case is strong without her testimony, but it would be incredibly stronger with it. I know how hard the first trial was for her, but she's a strong girl, she'd do it right?"

As a cop, I knew Laura was right. A witness's testimony is so much stronger in a case. But this was my daughter. I never wanted her to relive this experience ever again. I wanted to protect her from anything bad again.

"Laura, as you know, Amelia is incredibly fragile right now. But this is her decision and Lena and I will ask her when she is strong enough, is that okay?" Laura agreed, and said she will update me and Lena as the case moves forward.

I walked back into the room to see my daughter awake and alert.

"Who was that on the phone?" She asked.

"Well hello to you too, sleepyhead." I walked over and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"You're not going to tell me who you were on the phone with, I'm guessing." She sighed.

I scooted myself into bed with her and wrapped my arms around her. "You know miss Amelia, you are just like your Mama. You are one nosey girl." I smooched her right on the cheek and she laughed. I did not want to tell Amelia about my conversation with Laura, it will stress her out to the point where her health will not be her priority.

Dr. Grey knocked on the door and made her way into the room with a technician. "Hi Stef, hi Amelia, how are we doing today?" I got off the bed so that Dr. Grey could examine Amelia.

"I'm okay." Amelia replied, "I'm really tired, my body is achy, and my hip hurts a lot, but other than that I'm doing okay."

"You're a strong one Miss Amelia." Dr. Grey said as she took my blood pressure and vitals.

"Don't I know it." I replied and winked at my daughter. She has more strength in her little pinky than I have in my whole body.

Dr. Grey was finished and wrapped her stethoscope around her neck. "Okay! My technician, Maria is going to bring you up for some testing, does that sound good?"

Amelia nodded and smiled, "I think I can handle that. Can my mom come with me?" She looked over at me and looked a little nervous. I knew that she was holding up a strong front for the doctors.

"I'm so sorry Amelia, only doctors and technicians are authorized to be in the room. But your mom will be right here when you get back." Dr. Grey replied.

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