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Zayn swore she loved Laura. He really did. He even did all the stuff he-- the man in the relationship is supposed to do. Took on her on dates and always dropped the penny, bought her presents even when she didn't deserve them. Dealt with her attitude and then apologized for no reason for it. He met her parents, for the record, which was not worth it. But, he loved her unconditionally. And their wedding was next week.

Laura was born to be a wife, a mother, and a successful pastor. No, Zayn was not happy about this. And this was his biggest secret to her. He knew that when she married him, he would have to convert all his Muslim memories, rituals and prayers, to join her on church every Sunday and hear her speak some words that he was not necessarily fond with.

Sure. Christianity and Islam are similar. But it becomes a bigger deal when you convert your whole life to the other.

Laura has everything planned out, thanks to most of Zayn's funds. His job definitely has a lot of that. Zayn was a football star fro Manchester United, which is a pretty big deal to him and he loves that. He's been fluttering around kicks and winning titles for 6 years now. And over the time, he's acquired savings that would last him a while and career opportunities in the states that will keep him and his new having bundles of money. Zayn knew that Laura didn't make much; she knew that, too. But, he loved seeing her ecstatic and fired up and something. But he just didn't think that he was ready to commit his whole life to that. He knew he would have to fly all the way across the pond, and stay, to be with her. New Life Church in Dallas,Texas knew they were going to be the set example of what a Christian should be. Mostly, because Laurs hadn't told anyone about how he was still a Muslim and on the fence of everything. He just wanted to make her happy. He wanted to make someone happy. Anyone happy.

Sometimes he thought what he actually loved about her. What about her made him happy?

But, we all know it. He just wasn't that happy. And he was setting himself up for failure.

Heyyy I hope you're not bored yet. It's gonna pick up.

- Selam

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