3- Revised

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The second day I was attempting to not put in as much effort into my outfit but failed. I pulled on some skinny jeans and a gold flowy shirt that hung off my shoulders. It was cute and my hair was French braided, courtesy of my roommate. Let's be honest, not many people want to worry about getting ready and looking presentable in the mornings! But when your first class on Tuesday is at ten... you can't really fake being "not awake" enough like the early morning classes. I had yet another business course today and also a sociology one later on. It would be a short day thank God!

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a bunch of whom I assumed to be "frat guys" running with a football on the grass. Some of them were good looking I admit, but they all screamed lust on their faces. Rolling my eyes, I continued walking into the building, this is why I dated older guys.

A thought occurred to me, how old was Mr. Blaze?

'Really Dash, you're starting this again?' My mind chastised me as I sat down and began to prepare for my class. Yes I was because he was freaking hot! Obviously I wasn't the only one thinking this with how all the females were looking at him in class. I readjusted the sandals that I had worn yesterday and crossed my legs. Hopefully this class was easy.

The professor talked briefly about his life and the same mantra really that my other business professor had said. Maybe they all create the same speech ahead of time in a meeting. The thought of older professors sitting around a table and figuring out how to keep our attention made me giggle.

Professor Schiller shot me a look before continuing on his rant about respect and whatnot. I didn't think I had been disrespectful, my mind was just wandering...

Everyone stood up and packed their things as I sighed with relief and made my way over to the sociology building. A shiver ran through me as I passed by the hallway that the history classes were down. I really shouldn't be thinking like this! Rubbing my temple, I walked into my next class and stopped when Mr. Blaze was standing at the teacher's desk.

What the hell? Was I in the wrong class? Surely I hadn't coincidentally made my way over to his classroom...

Sensing someone had entered, Mr. Blaze looked up and smiled brightly. "Hello Dasha."

"Professor Blaze," I acknowledged. 'He called me Dasha!'

"Don't worry, you're in the right class, I'm just filling in for your professor while she runs copies for her next class. Just so no one thinks there isn't going to be class if she wasn't present."

"Ah," I replied and made my way over to the second row of seats. It seemed weird that we were the only two in the room but then again, not many freshman arrived early.

"How did your first day go yesterday?" He asked breaking the silence.

"Good," I looked at him and felt a blush creep onto my face before looking back down. "How was yours?"

"It was... pleasant. My dog was happy to see me come home," he chuckled to himself.

"You seem pretty young to be a professor," I blurted out and was about to apologize as some students started to file in.

Mr. Blaze gave me a reassuring smile as a woman who looked to be my professor arrived and thanked Mr. Blaze.

"Welcome class! My name is Professor T, trust me, you don't want to have to learn how to pronounce my last name. Can barely stand it myself," she smiled and started passing out papers to the rows. I knew immediately I was going to like her, she was giving me Trewlaney vibes from Harry Potter with how her hair was arranged and the wide brimmed glasses she had on.

The Backstory On My History Teacher (teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now