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Autumn has always been my favorite season. I love the way the colorful leaves cling to the branches and make a carpet on the earth. I love crisp morning walks outside when everyone is asleep. I love the sound of leaves crunching under my boots as I walk. I love reading thick books and drinking tea by the fire. What is there not to love about autumn?

My parents came up with this idea that I should be an exchange student in Germany. I've never really fit in anywhere. I've never had a best friend, except for Cecilia, who I've known since third grade. We went to elementary school together. Then in seventh grade, last year, I actually made some friends with pretty cool people. I hated the idea of going at first. I wouldn't listen. But after I started chewing on it, it didn't seem so bad. I thought of all the new people I'd meet. All the places I'd see. Suddenly, it seemed like an amazing opportunity. So I told my parents that I had changed my mind. They started gathering information and planning things. Soon, the summer would be over and I'd be in Europe.

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