Chapter 1: Welcome to Hell on Earth

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  • Dedicated to The lack of Call of Duty fanfictions

My name is Tank Dempsey, and I am a United States Marine, Master Gunnery Sergeant to be exact, and they thought that we won the war. They couldn't have been more wrong...

Almost the entire Nazi army is back with a vengeance, and not a living vengeance. All that I have are my companions, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Misaki, and Edward Richtofe, errr, Samantha Maxis. Something happened back on the moon, and Richtofen switched bodies with Samantha Maxis, a little girl whose father was Doctor Maxis, with Doctor Edward Richtofen as his assistant.

"We're here," I say.

"Good, I was tired of Takeo's constant rambling!" Nikolai exclaims.

"Quiet you drunkard 'soviet war machine'," Takeo complained, "Not like we don't want some of that vodka you are always carrying around. You are a great dishonor to your family."

"You two fight like cats and dogs," Samantha giggled.

"Heh, I guess they do Sam," I responded, I really have liked Samantha. She was kind of hesitant to speak with me and the russian. Nikolai isn't sober 90% of the time, and shows it. My question is where he got that vodka. I wish I could have half as much as that vodka.

I heard Stalin himself was terrified of Nikolai. I once saw him knock six zombies heads off with an ax. His shotgun, I think he called it Hades, that thing was a killing machine. I've seen some crazy stuff so far, but this was absurd.

"Dammit Takeo, leave him alone, what did he do to you?" I quipped, annoyed at Takeo. He and Nikolai never got along.

"Dempsey! What was noise! I hear wood like my days as a carpenter!" Nikolai screamed, he never knew how to be quiet.

"Get the guns boys, the nazis are here..." I said calmly, I didn't need to bark orders just yet. "Nikolai, get Hades; Takeo, get something strong; I'm going to the light in the sky, Sam, come with me."

"Ok, Tank." Sam agreed, I didn't mind her calling me Tank, but the other two I saw as disrespect.

As we made our way over to the random weapons box, we killed a good hundred zombies. Sam was amazing with her pistols, she kept the one I gave her, and she has kept it since, she can shoot it better than anyone else I've seen.

"Hey Sam, look at this beauty" I said as I removed the WunderWaffe DG2 out of the random weapons box.

"What is that? It's shiny." She giggled.

"It's the Wonder Waffle! It shoots electricity and chains zombies." I explained. "Just stand clear, don't get zapped, it hurts a lot." That thing had zapped me more than once, and I couldn't keep it between journeys. The only reason Nikolai had Hades was because he hid it from Richtofen. All me, Takeo, and Sam got was the M1911 Colt pistol, which wasn't too bad.

"Dempsey! I hate to ask, but I need assistance! There's too many!" I heard Takeo yelling.

"Dammit... Sam, come on, we'll get your pistol better." I recognized the area and I knew what to do here.

"Ok sir, I'll follow you. Just be careful." She responded.

"You got it. Just stand back and cover me." I said as I removed the Waffe from my back.

I came up to see Takeo was down on the ground, Nikolai was running around in circles because he realized the zombies were really dumb. He called it training them.

"Sam, do you see that machine up there? Go put your pistol in for a second, it should return 2."

She did as I said, removed the new guns which were lighter than the previous, and stared in awe as I pulled out the Syrette to help Takeo up.

"What do they do?" She asked. I had told her not to waste ammo and to ask if she didn't know what something did.

"Just don't stand near where you shoot them, they shoot explosives. Now help out the Russian."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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