day 1

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Hey...I'm Maddie..I'm 16 and yesterday I was diagnosed with a super rare disease. I'm the first one to ever have this. They haven't even named it yet..anyway my doctor gave me 3 months to live..I spent most of yesterday crying but today my moms making me go to school. Which is not how I want to spend my last 3 months. Anyway there's suppose to be a new kid coming today. Maybe I'll get to meet him. I heard I have a few classes with him. 

As I parked my car I grabbed my bag and walked into the big brick building also known as hell or school. I walked over to my locker and put my stuff in and then made my way to my first class which is algebra. As I sat down I noticed the new kid walk in. He was a good bit taller than me with hazel eyes and brown hair. He looked like he could be a football player. "everyone this is can go sit by Maddie." The teacher said as she pointed to me. He smiled as he sat down next to me. I smiled back before looking back down at the notebook on my desk. "OK so we have a pop quiz today so put all of your books away." the teacher said as everyone groaned. 

I knew nothing on the quiz. It didn't even make sense. I was never good at math. "hey need some help?" Jackson whispered. I nodded as he handed me his paper to copy. "Thanks." I sighed as I copied it onto my paper and handed it back to him. "No problem." As I was finishing up my test I felt something drip on my hand. I looked down to see blood. I touched my hand to my nose to see it bleeding. This can't be good. I quickly got up and ran out of the class to the bathroom. When I got there I called my mom. "Hey sweetie." she said. " nose is bleeding..." "Honey I'm sure its nothing clean yourself up and got back to class." "O-ok love you." I sighed. "Love you too." she hung up. After I cleaned myself up I ran out of the bathroom and bumped into someone. As I fell to the ground I looked up to see Jackson. "sorry....the teacher told me to come get you and tell you if you don't come back shes gonna give you a 0" he said. "oh ok." "Oh and why was everyone laughing about you and 3 months or something?" he asked. I can't tell him whats going on it's bad enough everyone else knows. "oh um it's nothing." I said. "OK." we walked back to class and I sat down. 

As I walked out of my algebra class and to my next class Jackson ran over to me. "are you OK you ran out of class really quick?" "oh yeah I-umm just had an important phone call." "Oh OK." "yeah what class do you have next?" I asked. "World History." He said. "oh me too." I smiled. 

As we were walking to History my vision started to get blurry. Then everything went back and I fell but before I hit the ground someone caught me.....

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