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[H/c] locks rested in a separate cell from the rest of her companions. As the theatre raked in more gems, maintenance has skyrocketed.

It was evident as well, [F/n] had gotten some injury in every performance. She's been near drowned, burned, bruised, cut, you name it. Despite being noticeably sluggish, only few protested.

An arm lays over her forehead, soft panting follow suit. [E/c] eyes keep shut. Her figure rolls in the opposite direction of her fellow inmates. Mutters and rumors always grew after each performance.

The more time had pressed on, doubt began to build up. Though the inmates are still close to one another, their opinion on Hatty shifted negatively.

Public opinion about the theatre had also changed. Some that once enjoyed the show now despised it. Only after their favorite performer suffered a great injury was when the place received controversy.

A stray line of liquid falls from a [e/c] eye.

Inmates peered at one another, a quiet sniffle catches their attention. They look at each other with sympathy, few with crossed expressions.

One stands, placing his hands over the bars that separated them. "Hey." With knitted brows, he places his forehead onto the bars. "It'll get better." He sighs, before adding, "We'll protect you."

No reply, instead the creek of a door greets them. In comes Hatty alongside two guards.

Several scowls pass around the room though no one says a word. [H/c] locks finally turn, eyes peeled open. Fellow inmates note her whimper. She hugged herself, pushing herself away from Hatty the more he approached.

He opens her cell with a smile spread across his features. [F/n] doesn't react, keeping still as much as possible. Her now blank expression unnerved him. It felt wrong, extremely wrong.

A sinking feeling grips him, he digresses.

"[F/n]." He calls. "We need y—" The inmates bang on the bars, causing Hatty to turn at them and flinch. "Don't you dare touch her!" One of them teeth.

"You put her through hell for your sick benefit. Look at her! Look at how you left her!"

Hatty stares, his heart aches. Staying unresponsive, mutters grew.

"You are not going to take her." Hatty motions the guards into her cell, forcibly lifting her figure. In retaliation, more captives began to rattle the bars.

They shouted like an angry mob, commotion becoming violent. The cats drag her out with some struggle. A bead of sweat runs down Hatty's forehead. Something doesn't feel right, they were retaliating more than usual.

He steps back, gasping upon realization. The bars that confined them broke apart. How they managed this was beyond him, the mob lunges at the two that threatened their friend.

Others make way towards the exit, releasing pent up anger on those who crossed them.

Hatty was shoved to the ground, his collar grabbed with incredible force. His hat fumes red, any remorse felt previously now gone. He fights himself internally not to protest.

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