Chapter 3 Hurt Squirrel?

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     Marinette is back in the woods as a squirrel again.  She is hidden in her usual tree.  She looks around  her with a smile.  She is glad no one else knows she is here other than maybe a few other  animals, and squirrels.  She jumps to another tree to try to grab up some acorns. She gets them and heads back.  

     She eats some and stores the rest in the hollow part of the tree.  She attempts to  get some sleep,but feels a nudge  from another squirrel.  She is not to happy about this.  She yawns.  She exits the hole in the tree.  She goes to the very edge of the branch.  She looks back and sees the male behind her.  She thinks, great not again!  She tries to jump to another tree, but looses her grip and falls.  She falls out of the tree.  She lands on the ground with a thud.

     Marinette thinks, Ouch, that really hurts, my leg does not feel right.  Ugh, I must have gotten an injury in the fall.  She is in pain.  She stands up.  She hobbles along until she passes out.  

      Someone is outside after dark.  It is a guard for the palace.  He sees  the hurt animal, and picks it up.  He carries the injured rodent to the gate.  He announces he has found something that could use attention immediately.  

     Prince Adrien wakes up, he yawns, he opens the gate to let the guard inside.  The guard carries the red squirrel upstairs to the guest room as the prince instructs him to do so.  He places her down on the bed, closes the door, and heads back to his post.  

      The prince closes the gate back to make sure no one enters the castle unannounced.   Next, he goes upstairs to check on his guest.  He gasp when he sees what it is here now.  He feels sorry for her.  He cleans her wound, adds a bandage to it, and whispers,  "You can stay as long as you need.  You remind me of someone."   He smiles, closes the door, and locks it from the outside.  He does not seem to notice the window is open just a little bit.   He goes back to his room, climbs in bed and goes back to sleep.   It is  rather dark out and  past ten at night now. 

        Little does the prince know who she really is since she  looks different.  Marinette sleeps.  She does not know she is no longer in the woods.  She has no idea she is anywhere else.  She just is fast asleep as her leg tries to heal.  

       Right at 1 am, Marinette wakes up!  She looks around her in confusion!  Where on earth am I?   How did I get here?  She groans when she realizes her left leg has something wrong with it. She looks down, and sees a funny bandage on it.  Wow, it looks like someone took care of me last night!   Wait, last night, since when have I been here?   Who could have helped me when I was not me last night?   I  mean, I was me, but  I was not  human then.  Good grief, what am I to do?   I can not let anyone see me like this.  It is not like  I can explain how am I here anyway.   I have to find a way to get out of here, but how?    

       Marinette walks over to the open window, she opens it even more.  She thinks, well, so far, so good.  She jumps out the window.  She lands on the ground.  She is glad this time she lands with less of  thud than the one from last night.  She hobbles along til she finds the village area.  She sits down under the apple tree to relax.  She just sits there unsure what to plan on later.  It is not like she can do much with a hurt leg anyway.

       Adrien gets up.  He goes upstairs, opens the door and sees the bed is empty!  He panics, what could have happened to her ?  He sees the open window.  He thinks, since when was it like this?  He can only hope the poor creature is alright then.  It is not like he knows where to look for her now that he finds she is no where in sight.  He  sighs.  

      Adrien's  POV:  What became of  my guest?  I  patch her leg up and now she is gone?  How could a hurt squirrel just vanish like this?  She must have not gotten far with an injury like that one.  She looked like she was bad off.  To bad I could not find out more about her.   Who am I kidding?   I  like Marinette, yet I worry about a squirrel?  What on earth is the matter with me?

     Marinette's  POV:  I just hope my leg heals quickly.  If not people are bound to ask questions.  It is not like I can tell them the truth.  None would believe me anyway.  I mean it.  The whole thing is rather odd.  I am definitely can not say, hey, guess what I am squirrel at night!  Some how, I do not think that would go over so well.  I  mean people would think I am crazy!   I will just have to come up with some creative excuse for it until it heals.  

      Later that day, around 3 pm, Prince Adrien sees Marinette!  He smiles.  He greets her as usual.

       "Hey, Marinette!"  Prince Adrien says.

       "Hey, Prince Adrien!"  Marinette says.

      "Wow, your leg!  What happened to it?"  Prince Adrien says with concern.

      "Oh, this?  I uh, fell over a rock.  It was rather clumsy of me. Do not worry, I am sure it will heal in no time."  Marinette says.

         "Hmm, well, I sure hope so too then.  You did not happen to see any red squirrels pass this way, did you?"  Prince Adrien ask.

        "No, should I have?  I mean they usually are the woods, right? "  Marinette responds.

      "I suppose that would make sense.  However, you see one was in the castle last night.  One of my guards brought it in and the poor thing was so hurt it could hardly walk."  Prince Adrien says.

      "Really?  Wow, that is too bad.  I hope the animal is alright, Prince Adrien."  Marinette says.

       "Yes, I hope so too."  Prince Adrien says.

      to be continued in Chapter 4   Suspicious?  

The Prince and The Squirrel  *A  Miraculous Fairy Tail*  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now