Band/orchestra!Crush x choir/stage freight! Reader

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  Guide lines/things you need to know:
R/n: ratchet/rivals name
C/n: crushes name (obviously)
Y/n: your name (obviously)
F/n: friends name
C/l/n: crushes last name

Ok that was basic info but wuteve.

    *Y/n pov*
  I was standing backstage, talking to my friend, f/n. I was kind of nervous to go on stage with my choir class because there would be a lot of people out there.   To be honest though, it's just a middle/ high school performance (depending on what age you are) so it's mostly just filled with parents and other students siblings. My family is in the crowd, my mom, dad, sister, and my sisters boyfriend.

  "Hey f/n, let's go put on our choir shirts." I suggest, seeing as we haven't yet. She nodded, agreeing with my suggestion. We head down the stairs at the back of the stage that lead to the hallway. When we walked out the door we headed for the girls restroom. Once we get changed we went back to the back of the stage. When we walked inside everyone was already in a circle doing their warmups. We run to the circle and join in making sure Mrs. Dogra didn't just see us come in.

  "Super bubblegum, Super duper bubblegum, Super duper double bubble, Super duper double bubble, super duper double bubblegum." We all sang, warming up for our upcoming concert. I was already nervous again just thinking of going on stage and singing in front of everyone, but I was mostly nervous about singing in front of c/n. He would be in front of the stage with the rest of the orchestra, band, and jazz kids. His first song looked like he would be playing the bass since he was playing with band first. Once it was time to walk on stage we all lined up and walked out the back door, going down the stairs and walking past the first door to the cafeteria and going to the second door leading and walking around the audience which most of them were fixated on us since none of the other kids in orchestra, band, or jazz were doing anything but sitting in chairs. Once we got to the stage we walk up the stairs and sat down on the bleachers. We were gonna be the third group to go since that is what we do every performance. First, band, then, orchestra, after that, choir, and finally, jazz. As we sat quietly, the beaming lights above almost overheating us, we listened to the band director talk about what songs they will be playing and how they are happy the families arrived to watch us "young students", as they worded it, give our best efforts to what we love to do, but let's be honest, most of the guys in this choir class are just here for an easy A and the parents pretty much have to come otherwise their child wouldn't be able to come and participate in the event and if they didn't watch would be shamed upon for supposedly giving zero fucks for this lame performance. If I were a parent, this would be really boring to me if I had to be honest. Anyways, I was watching c/n as he passionately played his instrument, tapping his foot and bobbing his head to the beat. I noticed r/n watching him too, I knew she had a crush on him but so did I and I hate her for past experiences. I went back to watching c/n. Once they were done c/n fixed himself so that he was closer to the orchestra students because he was gonna start playing with them now. He played the bass for the first song. The second song was about to start when he grabbed his guitar and he walked up to the front of the orchestra students and he was right in front of the audience. I look up at my mom who looks amazed at how many instruments he can play. I almost started laughing until she looked at me and started pointing at him and smiling and winking. I knew exactly what she was doing and I was quietly shaking my head no. She was nodding her head and I rolled my eyes when I knew she is gonna try to set me and c/n up. I can't blame her though, I've never had a boyfriend before and she wants only the best and to her c/n was pretty good (I laughed as I wrote how he was only pretty good). My face is starting to heat up and Nancy, my friend sitting next to me, started to whisper in my ear.

  "You look like a tomato." She says, giggling. I smile, my face only burning more.

  "I know." I respond with, laughing a little. She smiles and turns back towards the performance. I pay my attention back to c/n's guitar playing and that only reminds me of how I can play the ukulele. I start to think of me and him in my room, making a duet. I'm snapped back to reality when everyone starts applauding. When they quiet down the orchestra teacher, Mrs.Garcia, talks into the microphone.

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