Part Two - Chapter Twenty-Three: Happy Anniversary

Start from the beginning

Lionel only grinned as the hostess walked away, he was determined to show Lucia a good time since it was rare that they went out together now; he didn’t remember the last time it had been just them like this.

“Shall we trade gifts?” Lionel said looking at Lucia eagerly, he had spent a lot of time selecting her present and he was excited to show it to her.

It wasn’t much but Lionel knew that she wouldn’t care, Lucia had never been one for material things and he knew that she would love what he had gotten her.

“Okay,” Lucia said nodding her head, she watched as Lionel grinned as she reached into her clutch and pulled out a black box that held her gift.

Lucia smiled as she handed it to Lionel, she had gotten him a blue TW steel slim men’s watch since she knew that he had broken his other one; Lucia had even had the back of the watch engraved for their anniversary.

“Lia,” Lionel murmured reading the small engraving it wasn’t much but it warmed his heart, he swallowed knowing that this wasn’t what he had been expecting from her.

“I figured you needed a new one after your old one broke,” Lucia said carefully as Lionel smiled at her, he couldn’t believe that she had even noticed that his watch had broken; he barely had even noticed himself.

Lionel kissed his wife knowing that he was glad that she had given him a second chance, he cupped her face as a waiter appeared with the bottle of champagne making the couple pull apart.

“Have you decided what you would like to order?” the waiter asked pouring out two glasses of champagne, he smiled at the couple as he set the bottle down on their table in case they wanted more.

Lionel glared at the waiter a little as he picked up his menu, he didn’t like the fact that they had been interrupted but it hadn’t been on purpose.

Lucia laughed softly as she checked her own menu, she knew that Lionel liked having her full attention and she could see that tonight that was all that he wanted from her.

“I’ll have the tomato and mozzarella risotto balls with arrabbiata sauce to start and the meatball reginette for my main,” Lucia said as she flashed a smile at the waiter, she carefully brushed her leg along Lionel’s knowing that he would only glare at the waiter if she didn’t do something.

The waiter nodded his head as he wrote down what Lucia had ordered before he turned to look at the footballer; he was slightly in awe that he was serving Lionel Messi and his wife.

“I’ll have baked chestnut mushrooms with smoked mozzarella, thyme and crispy music bread to start and the rib-eye steak with wild mushrooms, chicory salad and funky chips for my main,” Lionel said setting down his menu, the waiter nodded before he walked away leaving the couple alone.

Lionel watched him go before he smiled at Lucia, she raised her eyebrow expectantly at him knowing that it was his turn to give her his gift.

Lionel grinned as he pulled out the jewellery box from his jacket pocket and carefully handed it to Lucia; he felt suddenly nervous that she wouldn’t like it.

Lucia carefully opened the box and gasped at the sight of the beautiful eternal rose gold-plated bracelet that her husband had gotten for her; she couldn’t believe that he had remembered.

It seemed ages ago that they had passed the store that the bracelet had been in and she had admired it, she honestly hadn’t thought that Lionel had even noticed.

“I saw you admiring it,” Lionel said smiling at Lucia as he put on the watch that she had gotten him, he could see that she was surprised that he had even noticed her admiring the bracelet when they had been shopping for things for Maia.

Lucia looked at her husband speechlessly, she truly couldn’t believe that he had done this; it had been months since she’d seen the bracelet and she hadn’t even thought that he would remember.

“Leo,” Lucia said shaking her head, she pressed a kiss to his lips as Lionel moved to help her put it on her wrist; he chuckled knowing that he had made the right decision to get her the bracelet.

Lionel pressed another kiss to her lips as he spotted Antonella watching them from across the room with her own boyfriend; he hoped that she didn’t come over and ruin their anniversary dinner.

Lionel had finally moved on with his life and he had a beautiful wife and daughter, something that he doubted he would have had if he’d continued things with his ex-girlfriend.


“I had fun tonight,” Lucia said as Lionel unlocked the front door, she smiled knowing that he had done everything to make the night special for her after the year that they’d had and she was so grateful for that.

Lionel nodded his head as he allowed his wife to step inside before he followed after her, he was pleased that the night had gone so well and he knew that they’d have to do it again soon.

“It’s so quiet,” Lucia mused as she carefully removed her heels, she sighed in relief as her feet touch the cool wooden floor as Lionel locked up for the night.

Lucia watched her husband with curious eyes knowing that this was their first time alone like this, she knew that they would have to enjoy the fact before Maia came home the next night.

“I’m going to bed… will you be joining me soon?” Lucia asked as she smiled at her husband, she knew what she wanted and it had been three weeks since they had last been intimate and now was the perfect chance to do so.

Lionel grinned realising what his wife had in mind, he nodded his head knowing that Poppy just needed letting out in the back garden for a moment before they did anything.

“I’ll be up soon,” Lionel said clearing his throat, he watched as Lucia collected her heels and nodded before she disappeared quickly to get ready; there was no doubt in his mind that she had something sexy to put on for him.

Poppy wagged her tail as she hurried over to Lionel as the footballer whistled for her and moved to let her run around the back garden, he didn’t want her making a mess while the couple was busy.

Lionel watched as the border collie rushed into the garden leaving him behind, he couldn’t help but smile as he thought about how lucky he was and he knew that it would only get better.

Lionel was determined to leave his past behind and he had no intentions of allowing anyone to cause problems for his marriage; he knew that he wasn’t going to lose Lucia again, since it had nearly killed him the first time.

Shaking his head as he pulled off his tie, he ran a hand through his hair knowing that the man he had been one year before had been an idiot not to see how special Lucia was and to risk her love for Antonella.

The emotional affair would haunt him for the rest of his life and he would be forever be thankful that Lucia hadn’t divorced him on the spot for the hell that he had put her through but he was going to make it all better.

It had been a promise that he had made to himself when Lucia had agreed to come back to Barcelona and be with him; he would make up for the past so that their future wouldn’t be tainted by his stupidity.

Lionel knew his wife deserved the best and that was what he was going to give her, he was sure that they would have their happy ending together.

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