"At least Jacob's parents are educated enough to understand and respect their son's dreams! have a great day"  and seungmin was out the door and walking on the driveway before they could react.

His thoughts were racing as he walked to Jae's, the slightly chilly morning wind rustling softly and calming him. Was he being selfish for not wanting to take over his dad's company, he knew he was their only child but what about his dreams? was it too much to ask for to decide on what you want to be?

He wanted to help people feel better, safe and in peace with themselves. He wanted to help people who are mentally unstable, he wanted to console  and understand them . he wanted to make them feel loved and worthy of living.

Seungmin wanted to be a Psychiatrist.

Sighing deeply as he got to Jae's house, he leaned on the fence, waiting until she comes out. there were only a few houses between their houses and it didn't even take more than two minutes to get there.

"you're early!"
he snapped his head to the side, where a 13 years old kang jaesun was standing beside the gates of her one story house. How could she manage to look that terrible early in the morning.

Seungmin looked at her shoulder long, pitch black hair which was tied into a messy bun down to her shirt which was not fully buttoned and finally to her sneakers laces which were not tied.
"Stop looking at me like I am the first version of stat wars !" She whined.

"Am not early you're late" he said as he walked up to her and started fixing her hair, combing the hair with his fingers and brushing her bangs with his palm, he retied it into a cleaner bun. She just kept quite.
" and button those" he pointed to her shirt, frowning, as he crotched down with one leg, resting his other knee on the ground, tying her shoe laces.

"you woke up late right? did you even sleep last night?" , he asked as they walked down the driveway to hyunjae's house.
She just ignored him, and seungmin took it that she hasn't slept.
"Kang jaesun, I told you to stop watching those horror movies all night long !"
"Kim seungmin, stop nagging me already!" she replied, turning to face him. He stopped and opened his mouth to say something but he just sighed and went on. Jae looked at him weirdly, because any other time , he would have made a comment on how she had such big eye bags and that maybe she wouldn't need to hold back bags because all her books would fit in them.
and they would argue all the way to school.
But he just walked off?
"Hey!" She shouted as he was getting further. But he only just slowed down a little.
"What's up?" she asked once she was walking alongside him. he was not ok.
"Not much" he replied, head hanging down to avoid her eyes.
"Soorim high? Again?!" she shouted , already figuring it out. he just sighed, and jae confirmed her thoughts.
"You know, sometimes, I wish my parents were a bit more like Jacob's. a lot of things would have been easier." seungmin couldn't agree more.

Jacob has achieved the passing marks to attend soorim high but convinced his parents that he preferred harlim, because harlim was more of practical than theoretical .He always thinks that its better to see things than being told things. and his parents have gladly supported his decision. because he had his reasons.

Jae was tired of being told to have the manners of a young lady and to act more like a girl by her parents. how was she supposed to act like a girl? Wasn't she one? why act? what does that even mean? "you don't even have a single female friend!"
Yes, its true that she hangs out with boys a lot. but why does that matter? Why would they hate on that?
She thought of what would happen if she had parents like Jacob's.

"hey what if Jacob's Parent's want to adopt a child?" she suddenly asked.
"I am totally all in for it!" he replied, chuckling lightly. They both knew they wouldn't trade their family but it was worth jocking around with at their age.

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