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-definitely not a dad material despite what others expect
-would definitely whoop ur ass if you decide to mess up
-acts tough but a total sweetheart for those who see through him
- done with the maknae line
- a house member


- goes by Chris too
- is the foot ball captain at school
- aussie boi along with Felix
- usually a drama queen cuz why not?
- considerably funny
- can easily deal with shit
- a house member

Jaehyun :

- hates being called jaehyun
- considers himself a ' hyung to all'
- prefers to hangout with the maknae  line
- doesn't give shit abt nothing else
- is really physically affectionate
- would fight for the maknae line
- a house member


- speaks English when sleep talking
- the first person everyone goes to when something is wrong
- abnormally calm in chaotic situations
- a  house member


- SASSy af
- laughs at the silliest thing
- really clean
- easy to piss off
- will probably kill seungmin one day cuz he just wants to live in peace
- a house member


- a hoe along with younghoon
- made a vow to kill anyone who makes juyeon sad ( his only bro before hoe) 
- doesn't have manners according to sangyeon
- really cheesy
- rarely caring
- a house member


- a total psychopath
-people think he could trick you into slitting your throat open just for the fun of it
- downright creepy
- bipolar af you would think he has split personality
- got the whole dark and cute aura no one else can pull off
- a house member


- really flirty
- might give you the impression of a relationship expert but never actually dated
- tries to hide his shy personality
- looks like a prince
- a house member


- Mr . got them visuals
- obviously popular at school
- dances like a god
- lazy ass and hardest to wake up
- easiest prank target ( next to chanhee)
- a house member


- knows how to have fun but has his own ways
- not a day exists when he didn't do a prank
- always staying up late
- has probably watched every movie u would name
- really chill and down for fun time
- a house member


- smart and witty
- really sly and full of mischief
- more or less an idea bank for Felix's pranks
- never trust those innocent looking cute puppy eyes
- a house member


- doesn't sugar coat shit
- blunt af
- really 4d
- would pass for a model
- would never admit or show his love. Never
-' hates soft shit'
- a house member


- Felix and him are partners in crime
- keeps his cool
- there's always camera in his hands
- too scared to say what he feels
- really hates cheesy stuff
- a house member


- the coolest hyung next to jaehyun
- pissed off really easily
- cold and tough
- nobody was allowed in his room. Keyword : was
- could be scary sometimes 
- charismatic
- a house member


- is pretty fucking loud
- a practical pig - he would eat anything
- the most beautiful laugh and a million dollar smile
- is totally cute
-  could sometimes align with the $$F
($$F-seungmin sunwoo felix)
- hates Minho hyung ( meanhoe)
- a house member


- Beyonce Stan
- this world doesn't deserve his angelic voice
- meme boy
- could literally make fun in any situation
- art boi
- left handed
- house member


- ball of sunshine
- can pass for the sexiest
- mood maker and playful also loud af
- cute and hot all the same
- multi talented af
- ultimate drama queen
- a house member

- Chan's cousin staying there cuz his parents are never home
- savage
- can't say no to the yang jeongin
- really stubborn yet smart
- his words make u believe pigs could fly
- a gamer

- ultimate snake
- always knows everything thats going on
- knows all the gossips
- would make u pay to spill a tea
- pretends to be innocent
- a house member


- lives next door
- everyone's personal councilor
- too sweat
- makes you feel Secure just sitting next to you
- his voice could be fetal


- a big baby
- soft boi
- fetal scream
- someone else when he dances
- lives with woojin
- clueless af

Well I hope y'all hop on for a crack ride issa abt to get wild in here

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