Chapter 1: Adoption

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                             name is Lizzy i'm 13 years old and I live in an adoption center. I have been in here for many years, and I have no memory of my parents. Today started off pretty boring, so I decided to quickly get a shower.

Once I got out of the shower some of my friends came into my room and says "there's a family here to adopt let's go" I quickly get a black veil brides shirt on and some black ripped jeans and follow my friend. We stand in our age group line and then we wait.

A few minuets later, three young men come around...I recognize their faces...I couldn't believe my eyes...It was Palaye Royale. I tried my best to not cry or get over excited but I couldn't help but smile which is the one thing I never do when people come to adopt. But something tells me to not get my hopes up high for them to adopt me.

I decided to go back to my room. I start to cry, my favorite band is here and I'm not even there. I have so much to ask them but i'm just so nervous. Until my friend Alex comes into my room and says "most of the girls have already bee interviewed and they still haven't picked, why don't you go?" I start to feel tears coming into my eyes but I manage to keep them in, she notices and gives me a hug.

It had been a few minuets and I decided to get out of my room and I see Remington standing with Sebastian and Emerson. I went to get a drink and I see Sebastian look at, he smiles at me. I smile back.

Once I had a drink, I went onto my phone and went on twitter until I see Sebastian walk to me. My heart starts to beat fast. 

"Hey kid what's your name?" 

"I'm Lizzy" he gives me a little smile 

"Hey guys I think we've found one"

A couple seconds later, Remington and Emerson walk over to me and Sebastian. They smile and Emerson gives me a hug.

"how old are you?"  Remington asks

"I'm 13, 14 in a few months" 

"go and grab you shit Lizzy, we're gonna adopt you"

My heart instantly starts beating fast, I keep my tears in until I get to my room. I grab all of my posters, clothes, my art stuff and put it inside my suitcase, I grab my guitars and then I say goodbye to all of my friends, especially Alex, we both cry but we promised to keep in contact and meet each other often. 

"you ready?" Sebastian asked, I nodded and then we got into a car and we drove away from the adoption center.

During the car ride, I get my ukulele out and I start playing a few chords until Sebastian turns to me and says, "You play the guitar?"

"yeah, I play both ukulele and electric, but I can't play it that well" I start to play house of gold by Twenty one pilots, I got lost in the music, I start to sing and when I finish the song, they all applaud and Emerson says "you have an amazing voice". I start to blush because everyone who hears me sing, say that I sound bad.

It hadn't been long and we pulled up to a decent sized house, I grab my stuff and Sebastian unlocks the door and smiles at me. "Welcome to the Kropp house Lizzy". As we enter the house, I look around, I've never been in a proper house before. "Let's go to your room" Emerson yells as he runs around the house like a headless chicken. I follow Emerson up the stairs and we walk through a long corridor with doors which i'm guessing is their rooms. We stop at at the very end of the corridor. Emerson opens the door and we walk inside, it's painted light blue with band posters up on the walls, on the other side of the room, lay a desk with some art supplies and two sketchbooks, a bed with black bed sheets. I turned to see Remington and Sebastian had come upstairs too, I go to them and give them a hug, "thank you so much guys"

"your welcome Lizzy, we're gonna go downstairs just to work on some music, you could probably unpack all of your stuff, but call us if you need any help" Sebastian said with a smile. 

"Okay" I said with a smile. They left and closed the door, I turned to my suitcase and I get my phone charger and I charge my phone. Once my phone finally turned on, I got a message from Alex.

"Hey missing you already X" 

I try to keep the tears in, she had been my best friend since she arrived at the orphanage 4 years ago. She help me with my problems. Which then reminded me...They don't know about my problems, I start to feel a little stressed because I don't know whether I should tell them or not. I decide not to. I sent Alex a reply.

"Missing you too x" 

It had been a few hours, and Remington came into my room asking if I was okay, I gave him a little nod, he came over to me and said "It's kind of late, maybe you should go to sleep, we've got a big day tomorrow, I gave him another nod and then he left. I turned off my light and I slowly drifted off to sleep...

Adopted By Palaye RoyaleWhere stories live. Discover now