Bobby knew a lot about a lot of things and he had this old book with a lot of facts that he had lent to Castiel a few times. He had read thought that book so many times he had almost memorized it all and he had started to make his own. Just in case he became a history teacher in the future. He wanted to the type of teacher Bobby was.

     Of course when class started, some guy was late and Bobby would call him "Idjit" and the class would laugh. Castiel always paid attention in history class. He was so eager to learn more and Bobby had said that you can never learn enough, there are always new things to be discovered.

     When class was over Castiel walked out to meet Anna at their usual spot, but there she was standing, making out with Michael. Castiel took a deep breath and slowly walked over. Anna pulled away from Michael and waved at Cas.

"Hey Castiel, are you coming to the cage with us?" Lucifer asked and Michael glared at him "What?"

Cas shook his head "No, I have plans".

Anna grinned and gave him a hug whispering "Good luck" before pulling away and getting into Michael's car. Cas waved at Anna as they drove away and then he started his walk home.

He liked walking, he could take notice to all the things around him and even though he had his driver's license, he didn't want a car. He preferred walking and it kept him somewhat healthy, not that he cared much, but he thought about it every once in a while.

While he was walking down the street he was humming some song he didn't remembered the name off, but he had heard it on the radio once or twice. He didn't know the lyrics and only one part of the melody had gotten stuck in his head. His peaceful humming got interrupted by a car stopping by his side, engine growling and breaks squealing. He turned his head and saw a black Chevrolet impala, 67' model, and when the passenger seat window rolled down he saw the beautiful hazel green eyed man, with the name Dean Winchester, smiling at him. Cas bent down to look into the car.

"Are you stalking me?" Cas asked and Dean chuckled, turning his head to look forward.

"Maybe" he turned to look at Cas again "maybe not" he shrugged and gave Cas the brightest smile Cas had ever seen. "I was just driving by and I saw that trench coat and I knew it was you so I decided to ask if you wanted a lift"

"How could you know it was me? It could have been someone else" Cas held is hands on the doorframe and his head was almost inside of the car.

"Okay, I guessed, took a shot, but hey, I was right" Dean fired up the engine and the growl was so loud it made a few bypasses turn their heads. "Jump in"

Cas didn't think much about it, he opened the door and got into the passenger seat. Cas looked at Dean and he smiled at him before turning up the volume on the stereo and AC/DC filled the car. Cas rolled his eyes, but Dean didn't notice or maybe he didn't care. Cas thought about it. Maybe Dean was the type of guy who didn't care much about the people around him, maybe he only cared for himself. Cas found that very annoying, but also very attractive and it irritated him. That someone could be so annoying at so attractive at the same time. It made him want to hate Dean, but he couldn't, because he was just too perfect to be hated, something that made Cas want to hate him even more.

     The drive was silent, only the constant noise of banging drums and squealing guitars kept it from being too awkward. Cas was staring out the window the whole time and he didn't realize that they had reach his apartment and that the car had stopped, not before Dean put his hands on top of his.

"We're here" he said and removed his hand again, all to sudden Cas thought and looked down at his hand, resting on his lap. It seemed like Dean took notice to Cas looking at his hand and quickly got out of the car and ran over to the other side to open the door for Cas. He looked confused at Dean first, but got out of the car and then Dean slammed the door shut.

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