A New Introduction

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As Betty stepped off the bus, she breathed in the chilling September air. School had just started a few days ago, but she felt as if she's been here too many times. Anneke followed her, because they both live on the opposite side of town to the high school, so what are they gonna do, walk?

"So after I sent her that 'I care about you' thing she sent me an uno reverse card. I sent one back. This went on for about an hour," Anneke tells her friend about her adventures with kind of dating someone but also not really since the girl shes kind of dating likes her but doesn't want to date anyone. Wack.

The two laugh and 'spill the tea' about everything. Eventually, they make it into the school and head their separate ways to each of their lockers. Will they see each other before class starts? Who knows.

Out of the corner of her eye, Betty sees him. Dominic. The boy she's loved since seventh grade. Yeah, she had a few breakdowns over him, and didn't want to date anyone in ninth grade because of him. But this was tenth grade, and she was the Tenth Grade God. She feels someone push her closer to him. Oh wait, that's just Anneke magically appearing to please the lord of shipping, Daphne.

"H-hey Dom! How's it hanging?" She knew anyone who ever found out about this interaction would make fun of her, but she's a teenager, so everyone is an awkward and hormonal mess anyways.

"Pretty... good? I've gotta go find Ty, see ya," he leaves her with a light touch on the shoulder. She believed that Dom was perfect, but no one, especially Anneke, fully agreed with her. And this perfection of man just touched her shoulder! She just couldn't stop smiling.

It wasn't long before Brian found her in the corner staring into her phone with a huge grin on her face.

"What are you doing?" Asked Brian.

What was Betty doing, anyways? Oh, she's got Wattpad open. "I'm writing fan fiction about my life and how I'm destined to end up with Dom." You know, cause that's what most people do with their spare time.

There was only one question on Brian's mind. "Is it spicy?"

Betty stares at her phone, a pink blush tinting her face. "N-no! You really think I could write something like that? Who says I would write about my life! Weird, right?"

So yes, it was very spicy.

Before Betty could show Brian what she wrote, Anneke showed back up with two strange men known as Marcus and Kahlan.

"Yo what's up my dudes? The cool patrol is in town, also known as KSP!" Anneke yells into an imaginary mic, then proceeds to drop said mic and do finger guns.

Kahlan sighs, because he hates the name "KSP" for some reason, while Marcus just calls everyone a scrub.

The five of them seem to be able to talk about anything, from their girlfriends that they are kind of dating to their broadway musical obsession. Specifically, why the character Michael Mell from Be More Chill is gay.

He's got a pride patch on his hoodie, he asked Jeremy, "Are you gonna be to cool for me- I mean video games?", gets depressed when this person who he seemingly hates now actually shows signs of disliking him, and even the one character who is confirmed LGBT+ thinks that he's gay. C'mon, that's pretty gay.

But before you could say, "Michael Mell is gay and so are his moms," the bell rang. Betty had to go to homeroom, then Math and science before she could escape to lunch. In the meantime, she had to deal with... interesting people.

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