Chapter 38

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I open my eyes and broaden out my lips, drawing a bright smile on my face. Immediately, i reposition my head with the wild mess of tawny hair on his bare chest. In my mouth they' re still his flavor. No, it' s not what you perverts think. Nothing more happened last night and it' s not going to happen. Not yet at least. Not until i unravel my emotions. Unless he you continues feeding me with his spectacular kisses, I don' t think it will take me much time. I love the way he kisses me. As if he loses his mind if he doesn' t do it. And each time it gets better and better, more and more desirable. A temptation. An apple that you have to bite. My name is Eve, after all. So of course i had to bite. And to be honest i enjoy it too much. I see fireworks. I feel as if my my body is so electrified that can break light bulbs, lit candles, rise the temperature in the room, blow hot air ... I take a deep breath, looking back οn the moment. It's one of those moments you don' t want to be over. Like the summer break, when even though they' re having fun, come so quickly in an end. And then all the winter you' re looking forward to the next summer break. To the next kiss! Just like the rain to someone who lives in the desert, or the ship to a castaway on a deserted island. The enjoyment and satisfaction I feel once his tongue is dipped into my mouth and dances with his is indescribable. It's like eating chocolate when i have hypoglycemia. A chocolate which when you bite it it melts in your mouth and spreads everywhere, and lets you enjoy it until you' re throat is all clean of her. Then you remain with her sweetness in your mouth, desiring just one more bite. One last sweet temptation, that as many times as they offer it to you, you want more and every time this desire grows more and more. 

Our third kiss! They' re right about what they say that the third kiss is the most crucial of all. The first one was when I was drunk and i thought he was Matt. The next morning i didn' t even remember it. The second kiss, or rather the second make out session was at the party. Okay, i maybe felt that very strongly. But i didn' t let myself free! I restrained myself, trying to ward off the feeling, so i wouldn' t enjoy it and could reach my goal. In the third, um... the third ones however, were different. Like the lesson that when you hear it at the third time you comprehended it better. Crappy example, but that' s the one that just crossed my mind. However the truth is that i comprehended it better. Not the lesson ... the kiss. It was one of those endless kisses they remain unforgettable. And I don' t mean as a memory. I mean as a sensation. I still feel his hands in my hair pulling me close to him. His fingers opening my mouth to the point where he wanted. His hand gripping my hips. His intoxicating smell. His unshaven skin irritating my soft one. And then his taste ... oh ... I shut my eyes and stir at the thought. 

They' re really different. I mean, Bruno' s kisses compared to Matt' s. Of course Matt' s kisses are delightful. Enchanting maybe. However, he's not temptation. His lips, his cheekbones which tighten adorably whenever he laughs. His eyes that hypnotize the whole room, are all things that I would never experience them with Matt. At least, not at this extend. With Matt my heart is pounding. I like looking at his eyes, to see him laughing, to throw me in his arms. I love being with him, but my feeling for him doesn' t even doesn' t even get close to what i feel for Bruno. The spark, the longing, the yearning, the desire, are not as intense with Matt. Maybe he didn' t control my emotions that well after all. Although my insides are burning now that i miss him, i manage to heal myself the moments I'm close to Bruno. Even in the moments of our fights, I feel that he' s healing me. Yet now, despite the happiness, a little tweak in my heart, a small knot in my stomach, reminds me that it' s not over yet. In order to be able to live in the future, i first have to erase the past. Permanently!

The moment he wakes up and his bleary eyes intersect with mine, he gives me a peck on the lips. 

<<When did you weak up? >> she asks me and tucks a lock of my hair behind my ear. 

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