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Full Name: Ava Lucille Merin

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Full Name: Ava Lucille Merin

Birthday: April 20, 1981

Blood Status: Pureblood

Parents: Carmine Merin and Gwen Merin (Lockwin)

Siblings: Emmett Merin [adopted], Eliza (Lizzie) Merin

Ava Merin comes from two well-respected, yet not so noble, families. The Merins on her father's side come from a long line of Ministry loyalists and researchers. The Lockwins on her mother's side were primarily entrepreneurs and activists in societal issues. Her parents met while attending Hogwarts in the late 70s (her father a Ravenclaw, her mother a Slytherin), and eventually married in their early twenties. They were interested in helping the community and were involved in charity work early on in their careers. While on one of their many trips, they visited an orphanage where they discovered a baby with magical blood. With the talks of starting a family, they couldn't leave the boy there. Four years after adopting Emmett, they were expecting their first natural child; Ava. Nearly seven years after her birth, her sister Eliza was born.

Her father currently works as head of the Improper Use of Magic Office in the Department Of Magical Law Enforcement. Her mother worked in the Spirit Division of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. She resigned from the position after their third child was born.

Not everything was so peaceful in her family however. Ava's paternal grandfather, Cornelius, was at one time a proud supporter of dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald. This was a particular sore spot with her family, which eventually lead to limited involvement with him until his death in 1991. Her paternal grandmother, Helen, is her only living grandparent. Her maternal grandparents, Evangeline and Gerard, both passed when she was young. Her godmother is Lucia Ravenwood, her mother's best friend from school and current Ancient Runes professor at Hogwarts. Her godfather is her uncle Calum on her father's side.

Physical Features: sapphire blue eyes, wavy/curly blonde hair, slim build, average height

Personality: friendly, caring, open-minded, stubborn tendency, determined, subtle cleverness

Ava is known to be overly-accepting towards others by her friends. She is exceptionally bright, but often looks too hard for the good in people. Which is perhaps why it was so easy for her to grow close to Tom Riddle of all people. She had the innate ability to draw anyone willing in. But make no mistake, she will not allow herself to be taken advantage of. Even her level of understanding can reach its limit. You would also do well to never cross her, or the people she cares about. She will fiercely defend someone she loves if threatened, even over herself. When it comes to her appearance, she is rather plain. But there is a certain radiance to her. The grace and calmness she puts forth does wonders for the average features of a simple "pretty girl."


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