chapter eleven

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{warning: drugs}
{also ive never done xanax and idk what it legit feels like. but this is what i imagine and have got from the little bits ive heard from my friends who have done it. so dont get up in my grill if thats not what xanax feels like}

and here you are living
despite it all
||rupi kaur||

THE PARTY WAS FUN. I danced with Ayia and Chayse and Courtney even joined us for a bit. I didn't get that drunk, but I sure got very high.

It was around midnight and the party was just started to get real fun. Drunk teenagers were dancing around without a care and everyone was having a good time.

"Baby," I spoke, getting Chayse's attention. He looked down at me, wondering what was up. "Why's Reece here?"

He looked over to where the purple haired spawn of Satan stood with a drink in hand. I knew nothing good would happen from this.

"Just pretend she isn't here," he told me, focusing my attention back on him. He gave me a kiss, letting me melt in his arms.

We continued to make out on the dance floor before I decided I needed to start drinking. My high was already starting to wear off so I definitely needed some more of that as well.

"Want some acid?" some guy asked, holding out a familiar tablet. That really didn't look like acid, but I took it anyway. I needed to get my mind off Reece. And on top of that, my mind started to flood with memories from Brooklyn.

While I waited for whatever I took to kick in, I took a few shots.

"You're gonna make yourself sick. Pace yourself."

I turned to see Courtney and Michael standing there. Michael didn't seem to concerned as he poured himself a very strong drink. However, Courtney took the bottle from me and took me to sit down. She could obviously see I wasn't in good shape due to the drug starting to kick in and the alcohol.

"She good?" I heard the Australian guy ask his stupidly pretty girlfriend.

"I don't know."

"Harmony, you good?"

"Yeah. I'm just gonna go find Chayse," I said, trying to stand up. Whatever I took seemed to numb my whole body. It kind of felt like melatonin, but it felt better and stronger.

"Come on, let's get you somewhere quiet," Courtney sent me a gentle smile, helping me stand up. Her and Michael lead me up the stairs and to a random room. I knew it wasn't Chayse's so it must've been his older sisters who was in collage. Seeing the makeup scattered on the desk and feminine clothes hanging up, it was a dead give away.

"What did you take?" Courtney questioned after letting me lay down.

I did my best to shrug.

"Probably Xanax," Michael said. Courtney looked confused why he would know. "I brought it to one party, not my finest moment, now everyone's been selling them off."

"Harmony," Courtney said my name in such a disappointed tone. If I wasn't so messed up right now, I'd be upset that such a pretty girl who was perfect in every way would think so little of me.

"I'll go get some coffee or something. It should help sober her up."

After he left, I turned to Courtney. "My mom tried killing me once."

I couldn't see her since I managed to close my eyes, but I assumed she was shocked at what I said.

"She hated me so much that she started to enjoy beating me. It got real bad one night and I went to the hospital. They said I was lucky."

She didn't say anything, so I kept going.

"The people at school made up this story about how I was in gang shit. That lasted for a while. Then, when I was dating this guy, the bullying got real bad. He exposed me in front of the whole school for cheating on him, which I didn't even do. That guy got me drunk and I didn't remember what was going on until the next morning. I was labeled a slut and all that jazz until I tried to kill myself. Then they called me an attention seeking slut."

Then, I heard the door open and close. Michael came in with a few Redbulls, getting me to sip slowly.

"Michael," Courtney motioned him to the side. She was obviously going to tell him everything. I'd normally care and fight her, but with my relaxed state, I wasn't going to.

I glanced over at the couple, Michael's eyes widened at my story while Courtney looked at me with the same look Luke gave me.

Once I was mostly sober, I thanked both Michael and Courtney before heading downstairs. I wanted to find Chayse and apologize for leaving him.

I seem him playing beer pong with a bunch of his popular friends, so I decided to get a drink instead. It was probably around 4 in the morning at this point so most of the people have left, but lots were still here.

"Hey, where have you been?" Ayia came up to me. I was still a bit high off Xanax, so it was hard to think straight. And also see straight.

"Just around," I shrugged, taking a shot. It probably wasn't the best to mix alcohol with Xanax, but I was going to anyway.

"Are you almost ready to go? Because I'm kind of tired," she yawned. I was in no condition to drive and normally I don't say that. And she was no better. She figured a ride out before saying something about Luke.

I was about to take another shot, but the bottle was taken away by Chayse. "I've missed you."

I wanted to smile at him and kiss him, but I was way too intoxicated to know what was going on.

"Where were you? I was looking all over," he asked. When I looked up at him, I could see the anger and jealousy building up in his eyes.


"Who were you with?" he continued to question. His anger towards me made me sober up a bit more.

I looked him straight in the eyes. "No one."

That was a mistake.

He gripped onto my arm causing me to let out a small yelp. He pulled me close with force, looking me dead in the eyes. The smell of alcohol and weed haunted his breath so I knew he wasn't thinking straight.

"I know a lying bitch when I see one," he hissed, dropping my arm back to my side. I gently rubbed the area he grabbed onto, hoping it wouldn't leave a mark in the morning.

"Harmony!" Ayia came through the kitchen doors. "I got us a ride. Luke's gonna be here in a few minutes."

I nodded, then looked back up at Chayse.

"Get the fuck out my house."

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