Im not crazy

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Dear Tanner,

I am writing you this letter to explain. I have been gone for a week and I'm sure you are wondering why. I don't want to tell you, but since your my best friend I will. My brother sent me to a mental house. They thought I was "A danger to myself and others." It's fine though. I will be let out, eventually.

Love, Alice

I folded the note and went to the front office. The receptionist agreed that she would send it for me. I thanked her and headed toward the common room. No one was in there, but Ashton. I walked near him and noticed something was off. He put a finger to his lips, signaling for me to stay silent. He pointed to the left corner. I glanced and saw Ethan repeatedly slamming his head against the wall. He was talking to his self. I calmly walked to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

Bad idea.

He lashed his arms out at me, immediately knocking me to the ground. A few patients ran in. One of them was Sarah. I was trying to push Ethan away, but he was too strong and kept hitting me.

He grabbed my neck and began to choke me. In the nick of time two nurses ran in and sedated him. I coughed and tried to catch my breath. Sarah and Ashton helped me up.

I had never felt more scared in my life. I didn't belong here. I wasn't crazy. i shouldn't be here. I thought to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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