"Hi Nick!" She yelled and waved her hand even although he couldn't see her and the dorky mistake made me smile.

"I suppose you'd like me to ignore the fact you called her Baby?" Nick replied. "That would be nice, yeah." I rolled my eyes while I waited for his emphatic no.

"Tough. Harry's in luuuurv," His voice boomed back at me. "Is she British or American, I can hear a bit of both in her voice?"

"Born in London and now lives in New York," I watched her as she harassed Lori by taking photos. Lori's arms swatting at her as Jessi giggled and continued to capture pictures.

"Ooh. A city girl? She's a photographer, right?"

"Mmhmm," My eyes were fixed on Jess as she absentmindedly licked her lips, the shine it left made me want to kiss her.

"Okay. I can tell I'm losing you... so the reason I called was to ask if I could bring somebody to your party?" Nick's voice brings my attention back to the phone.

"Obviously, you can bring a date Nick. Do I know him?"

"No. This is perfect, now I can meet Jessi and you can meet William. Jessi is coming to your party isn't she?" I could hear the excitement in Nick's voice but I couldn't resist teasing him a little. "Please tell me you haven't kidnapped the future King?"

"Ha - Ha - Ha!" Nick scoffed. And I chuckled as Jessi wrapped her arms around me. "You're such an ass."

"Hey!" I smirked.

"Well see you soon, I guess. Tell Jessica I said bye" And he hung up without even waiting for my response. I bet he was running late for something.

"Nick said bye," I rested my chin on Jessi's head. "I'd like to meet him, he made you laugh, a lot," She grinned up at me.

"Well then, you're in luck because he'll be at my Birthday Party," I kissed her forehead which was quite cold so I tugged off my beanie hat and pulled it snugly around her head.  

"Are you ready for the next stop?" Lori yelled excitedly, heading inside. "Thank you" Jessi whispered her fingers linking with mine again. "Where are we going?" I whispered to Jess as we followed behind Niall and Lori.

"I'm not supposed to tell you." She giggled, sweetly.

"Aww, please," I pouted.

"Lori, Harry is trying to get me to tell him where we're going," She yelled.

"Harry Edward Styles don't make me separate you guys!" Lori yelled. Jessi stuck her tongue out at me and I got her back by tickling her. She was squirming and giggling so much she tripped over her own feet and almost fell over. I'd met no one as clumsy as her, she was constantly tripping up and walking into things. We both giggled childishly as we headed to our next destination and no matter where we went I was happy to be going there with her.


Lori stopped at Rockefeller Center. Niall's fear had come true, we were ice skating. He looked nervous.

"Niall, you'll be fine. I'll help you." Lori said as Jessi and I got our skates. I was feeling fairly confident I could impress Jess here. I could skate fairly well, I was even ice skating in our last video.

"Do you want us to wait for you?" Jess asked Lori and Niall.

"No, we'll be fine." Niall smiled, I think he was enjoying having Lori fussing over him. I followed Jess onto the ice, it was quiet, there were a few other people here but not too many. My mouth dropped open as she skated off around the rink, did a pirouette and skated back towards me.

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