08|H A R R Y ?

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EVANA RAN, NOT looking behind, and reached to the Forbidden Forest, where 4 black shadows stood, and uncertainly, they shouted,"Evana?"

She stomped towards them, angrily, pointing her wand, and threatingly pointing it to Harry's neck,"Where was the first place I met you?"
"A forest!A forest at the World Cup ,4 years ago!"

Harry exclaimed, and Evana asked, angrily,"Why did you leave!I could've died-"
"You were a threat,"Hermione blurted out,"Death Eaters wanted you, we couldn't risk them finding you,torturing you and telling them where we were."

"You really think that I'd tell them where you were?"Sneered Evana,"I didn't know how I could trust you..."
She ran, ignoring the shouts, and ran into the forest.Then knowing, what she saw, she whispered,"Mum?"
The woman smiled, nodding,"My darling, look how pretty you've grown...it's a shame.."
"Remus?" Asked Evangeline,"Surely, your not..."she didn't wanted to say the 'd' word, but he nodded, and a tear slipped, "does it hurt, dying?"
"No,"a gentle voice said, Lily Potter, and she smiled, "No, it feels like falling to sleep, and I'm happy, James is with you..."

Evangeline reached her hand out, but it slipped through Lily Potter's, and another tear had slipped, since the connection didn't make through, then suddenly she hearda loud hiss,
"Give me, Evangeline Black and Harry Potter, give me Evangeline Black and Harry Potter, and I will leave.."
"Will you be with me?"Evana's soft voice asked, as Lily,Remus and her mother, nodded.

"Always, since the beginning, we were with you..."

Leaving, and Tuning out, two hands grabbed her, and covered her mouth, as she muffled screams, and a voice hissed,
"Ahh, Evangeline, you're here..I would've thought you'd come later...sad, Harry Potter hasn't came, seems he wants me to kill all his family and friends, instead inn of surrendering himself..."

"Your wrong."Said a voice, then revealing themselves, Voldemort gave out a cruel smile,
"Ready to meet your fates, Harry Potter and Evangeline Black?"

Not waiting for an answer, Evana felt like she was put to sleep,like Lily had said, then she heard a,"Avada Kedavra!"

She heard a,"Do you love him?"
She knew who him meant, and nodded.

Endgame |Eva Black {4}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora