His pokemon asks you out for him

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(Art by Jirachicute28)
Ight, listen it's not because of the lack of time. I have plenty of time, I'm 17 and going no where in life. I just don't have the motivation to write this. But I pushed through my writers block and wrote you this chapter, why because I love you (Y/N).


Ash and the group where walking through a forest when Clement turns around his eyebrows furrowing. "Uh..where's (Y/n)?"

"Guys! Look at this!" (Y/n) yells catching the attention of the group. They follow her voice and gasp at the large lake in front of them. "Oh! Sharpedo would like this!" She smiles throwing her Pokeball into the air and letting out the shark pokemon. Sharpedo zooms off jumping out of the water a couple yards away. (Y/n) laughs turning towards Ash and the gang as they let out their pokemon.

(Y/n) runs off while everyone sets up everything to go catch Sharpedo who kept attacking her with aqua jet. Serena notices Ash's gaze as he stares at the (h/c) headed girl as she splashes the sharpedo in a weird mix of frustrated laughter.

"What are you looking at Ash?" She asks tilting her head with a small pain in her heart. Ash jumps quickly turning his attention back to setting up the tent with a loud 'nothing!'

"Hey Serena, look at this pretty shell!" (Y/n) grins walking over with a long spined star shell. She holds it up proudly and Serena smiles slightly.

"It's very pretty, now could you stop messing around and help?" (Y/n) looks a bit suprised but it quickly turns to embarrassment as she bows repeatedly saying 'yes, sorry'. Serena sighs as (y/n) scurries over to Ash to help him set up his and Clement's shared tent.

~Meanwhile with pikachu~
Pikachu, Fletchling, and Froakie had ran off as soon as they stopped. They ran off into a secluded area surrounded by a bunch of pretty pansies. Their mission? To ask (y/n) out for Ash. It was painful for even them to watch as Ash fumbled around with his words and embarrassed himself infront of her. And hey it was pretty obvious she liked him back so they where pretty certain she would say yes.


It was dinner and the sun was just setting. (Y/n) was down by the lake edge feeding sharpedo when she is approached by Pikachu who holds up a pokepuff with a poorly drawn(in frosting) picture of Ash proposing to her. (Y/n) turns beet red as she looks at it. Pikachu then runs over to ash grabbing his hand and pulling him over.

"If this is your way of asking me out then sure I'd love to" she giggles holding up the poke puff for Ash to see. His reaction is the same, his face turning an impossible shade of red.

"Well actually I have no ideal where this came from, but I'm glad it did" he gains a -slightly- more serious expression "I've wanted to ask you out for a while..." 

"Glad you feel the same"


"...what are you doing?" Alain's voice breaks your consentration and you blink causing Alain's charizard to roar in victory.

"Gosh darn it! Thanks a lot Alain!" You yell frustrated as Charizard celebrates his victory. "Couldn't you have asked after I won"

"Sorry?" Alain tilts his head confused before furrowing his eyebrows "what exactly where you trying to win?"

"A staring contest, but sadly..I lost" you sunk to the floor dramatically before laughing as Char rubbed her head against your stomach comforting you. "It's alright girl, I'll get him next time"

Pokémon trainer boyfriend scenarios XY and XYZजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें