Chapter 0 Prologue \ recap

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Disclaimer for you in case you forgot. I don't own shit, except my oc's k thanks by!

Long ago Before the mobs, before light, before even the darkness itself. There were two being of unknown origin. Where and what they came from was lost to space and time. What is know is that these beings are and were once brothers. One was name Notch, the other Hero. They played games and they laugh like all siblings do. But one day they lonely and quite bored of seeing just each other. They wish they didn't had to be alone any more and to their surprise. They made something appear. Some kind of creature of pink and blocky shape proportion, Notch decided to call it a pig.

Since that day both boys tried to use there powers to create a new world of peace and prosperity. But Hero grow bored of the same boring routine of watching the human day in and day out. He created the mobs in order to harden the humans and make them stronger what he got was mass genocide. Notch was ferious that Hero would do such a thing. He order him to destroy the mobs but Hero said kill more creatures would not solve the problem at hand. He wanted to give them a second chance despite there brutal behavior patterns. He tried to reason with him being that he was always the more peaceful one. But he refuse to his brother wish as he starts to kill them off one by one. Hero could not accept this so he clashed with his brother both hopeing they would be help and or kill who was left in the way.

In the end knowbody knew who won. However it is to be believed that in a last ditch effort to spite his brother and give the mobs the power to fight back he created the enderdragon. A powerful and rare mob queen that finish the job he could not. This story takes place after her defeat as our hero steve and his friends return home they will face their biggest challenge yet.

A conflict against not just one but two powerful gods.

A\N: its ya boi. He back from the fucking dead! I know you all really, really want that sweet sweet new chapter but I'm kind of in a block considering my partner in crime has been slacking off, so with out any do until we get the next chapter up here's this story to tie you up. Enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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