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Six Months Later


I woke up this morning to my sister yelling happy birthday in my ear. I laughed and hugged her tight. My birthday landed on thanksgiving again. We found out the person my sister caught had already put a bomb in her home before he got arrested. I was told by her officers buddies he wanted his last explosion to kill a cop. The bastard did those explosions for fun. I wanted to kill him my damn self. Since losing my sister and sister in law you could say I have slipped into a deep depression. I couldn't even get out of bed and I haven't been outside in six months. My mom died years ago on this day so it was just another ordinary day. Ashanti always tried to make me happy but I just couldn't get out of this funk. Eventually my sister crawled out of the bed and ran off to play. I rolled over and I went to shower. At least my hair grew back from the cancer and I put on weight but I still didn't feel the same. After my shower I put on shorts and a sports bra and got back into bed. I fell asleep and when I awakened it was eight in the evening. I walked out the room to see Ashanti had just finished dinner. She poured me a glass of wine and pulled out my chair. I sat down and I started eating. After our meal we sat down on the couch together and she stroked my hair. I then looked at old picture of me and I began to cry.

Ashanti: What's wrong

Savannah: Life sucks

Ashanti: I'm really sick of this

Savannah: What

Ashanti: Savannah people die, people get hurt bad things happen to good people and there's no answer for that but shit happens, stop rolling around in your self pity because of a few bad relationships and losing a few loved ones, it's part of life, stop focusing on the bad shit that happened and focus on the good for a change, you could have died in that accident but you didn't, you could have died of cancer but your still here, everything happens for a reason and some situations you put yourself in, you have a dad and step family that loves you, your little sister looks up to you like your God, you have friends and you have a wife that has proven more than once that she will go to the end of the earth for you, please stop living in the past, you are cancer free and you still have a family, we both lost our sisters but the difference is if we weren't together I have no one and you would still have friends and family by your side

I really thought about what she just said and I didn't think of it that way but she is right. I spent too much time being depressed about the past and shit I couldn't fix instead of focusing on all the good in front of me. I leaned in to kiss her and she grabbed the back of my head and deepened the kiss. She made love to me on the couch and after that I just laid on top of her as she held my hand.

Savannah: Thank you

Ashanti: For

Savannah: Everything, you paid for my first semester in college before you knew who I was, you saved me when I jumped in front of your car and brought me into your home, you got me a job and you stopped me from entering the prostitution world, you took care of me from the moment we met and I just thank you for everything, I know I was being a ungrateful bitch before but I really do appreciate all you did for me

Ashanti: I'm always here for you

Savannah: Shit is crazy, we started out happy then you started drinking and decided to hit me, I left you for Jordee, I cheated on you with Monay, you paid her to torture me, I made you abort a baby, you fucked my dad more than once and got into a relationship with him, you had his baby and tried to throw her away, we got divorced, and got remarried, then I put my job and friendship before you, I tattooed your name on my body for the wrong reasons at the time, then there was the accident, losing our home, and the cancer and losing our sisters and somehow we are still here still married and going strong

Ashanti: Shit really is crazy but I'm glad we didn't give up on each other when things got rough, I love you

Savannah: I love you too

The End

Author Message

Thanks for reading everyone and hope you enjoyed the chapter and enjoyed the story overall. Don't forget to vote and comment and stay tuned everyone

This is the final story for these characters

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