Chapter 6

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Perseus led me into the cottage, where I saw candles had been placed around the kitchen and our small living room to bring light to the dark. Perseus had given me a piece of cloth for my head, and I dabbed at the wound. I stumbled to the counter, where a bowl was already waiting.

But when I looked into its depths, I saw that it was tinged red. I gave a voluntary shudder as I soaked my own bloodied cloth with Papa's bloodied water. I didn't have any other choice in the matter, considering we wouldn't be able to get fresh water until morning and I needed to get the blood off my face now.

Perseus saw me shudder and came a step closer, but not too close for I was still shaken from moments before,

"Would you like me to help you?" he asked. I glanced at him as I dabbed the damp cloth over my wound, wincing as I said, "No, thank you. You helped me greatly all ready."

I couldn't help but glance down at the sword that was now strapped to his hip. Upon getting to my feet, Perseus had sheathed his sword and strapped it to a leather belt that was fit tightly around his waist.

"How did you learn to wield a sword?" I asked as I lowered the cloth back into the bowl. My hand was slowly turning red from mix of mine and Papa's blood, but I held back the tears.

Perseus cleared his throat and glanced at the sword. From the looks of him, he almost looked embarrassed to reveal how talented he was.

How people change it such a short time.

"I'm a bladesmith, well in training per say. My father creates knives and such for people in town," he gripped the hilt of the sword, "He made me this a few years ago and gave it to me last year when I turned eighteen. My father taught me how to wield a sword. He said that it might come in handy for the future."

"Well, it most certainly did." I said, ringing out the cloth. Perseus shrugged, "Yes, but I don't know how my father will respond to the fact that I killed four men."

I looked at him, my eyes wide, "You've never killed before?"

Perseus sighed and met my eyes, his gray eyes were like a storm slowly brewing in the candlelight, "I have, milady, but mainly wild animals." he gripped his sword again, "I've never taken a man's life with a blade."

A chuckle escaped my throat, "They weren't men, Perseus. They were monsters," I paused, "And please, call me Medusa."

Perseus smiled at my response.

Footsteps behind me drew my attention to Stheno coming into the room. She wore her white nightgown, her hair in a braid. She looked like she was drifting off to sleep, but apparently my and Perseus's movements had awoken her. When he saw me, she clutched her chest in horror.

"Gods above, Medusa," she whispered, "what happened to you?"

I glanced down at my dress. There were splotches of dirt from where the men threw me to the ground and there was a tear on the side. My bodice was also slightly opened from when the man who kissed me undid the laces. Not to mention my head was still streaked with blood.

To Stheno, I looked like I came back from war.

I clutched the damp cloth in my hand, "I'm fine, Stheno. I was at the docks and these men came and attacked me," I gestured to Perseus, who was standing off to the side, straight as a soldier, "Perseus, here saved me."

Stheno narrowed her eyes at him, "Who are you?" she asked. I groaned and opened my mouth, about to reiterate what I just said, when Perseus spoke up,

"My name is Perseus. I am a bladesmith, here in Athens and tonight I saw Medusa here, being assaulted by four drunken men," he spoke as if he was giving a speech to an empire, "I unsheathed my sword and struck down the men, for they have no business treating women like that."

I felt my face flush as Perseus spoke about defending my honor. I watched Stheno, and she too was looking at him with a new kind of awe. When she first walked in, she was glaring at him like he was the one who assaulted me. But now, she was looking at him almost as if a God was in our home.

"You killed the men?" Stheno asked. Perseus inclined his head ever so slightly, "Indeed, milady, I did."

Stheno took in my haggard appearance again. I saw a mix a pain and anger. Pain for me, anger for the men. For all of this to happen on the same night as Papa's death must have been taking a toll on Stheno, considering she was the oldest and therefore in charge of her sisters.

She glanced back at Perseus, "Thank you."

Perseus blinked, as if he was shocked to be praised for killing. I saw his hand twitch on the blade, my sister's comment threw him off guard. He cleared his throat,

"Well, I'm glad to know you're in safe hands," he said to me, "I hope the next time we meet, it will be on better circumstances."

I looked into his storm gray eyes as I said, "Indeed, Perseus. I hope for the same, thank you again."

He inclined his head and left without another word.

After the door closed, Stheno came to inspect my injuries closer. When she touched my arm, I winced. For it was the arm that the man had in a vise like grip,

"We can't tell mother about this," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, "She's already distraught over Papa. We can't have her worry about you too," she paused, "At least, not right now."

Tears pricked my eyes. More than anything I wanted to go wake my mother up right now and tell her about the my nightmare that was sadly a reality.

But I knew, deep down that my sister was right.

Mother was in mourning and it would take her some time until she got out of it. The least I could do was act like I was fine. That I wasn't hurting. I could do that. I had to do it.

Stheno led me into my room and helped me wash up and changed into my nightgown. It felt so great to be in something clean.

"Thank the Gods that Perseus was there when he was." Stheno said as she placed a bandage on my head. "Yes, thank the Gods." I whispered.

I would go on to see Perseus more times than not.

He became an acquaintance to say the least.

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