Violet Baudelaire || Birthday Surprise

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Summary: It's your birthday, and Violet plans a surprise.
Posted: February 3, 2019
Word Count: 865

The tall oak door of the Baudelaire's house loomed above me. I didn't find it threatening, though; more like an old friend welcoming me home. I knocked on the door, and it was opened a few moments later by Mrs. Baudelaire.

“Happy birthday, Y/N,” she said, smiling at me. “Come and sit down; I'll tell Violet you're here.”

I took a seat on my favourite loveseat in the sitting room as Mrs. Baudelaire walked up the stairs. Originally, my birthday plans were to visit a travelling carnival that was visiting town the week of my birthday. I had only been at a carnival one other time, when I was seven, and my favourite part had been riding the ferris wheel with my parents. Although I wouldn't admit it to anyone, I had been looking forward to riding on the ferris wheel with Violet. Unfortunately, the travelling circus had cancelled due to lack of funds.

“Y/N!” Violet exclaimed from the top of the stairs. She sprinted down the steps and threw her arms around me. She pulled back and grinned at me. “Come on, let’s go!” Grabbing my hand, she ran to the front door.

“What about Klaus and Sunny?” I asked, glancing around.

“They’re already there,” Violet exclaimed, tugging the edge of her purple skirt.


“You’ll see.” Violet opened the front door, and I followed her down the front steps and onto the sidewalk. It was a bright, sunny day, with only a few clouds off in the distance, and if I listened closely, I could even hear some birds chirping.

After a few minutes, we reached the trolley station. The whole walk there, Violet looked like she was about burst. Her legs would twitch every so often, wanting to either skip or sprint. Her voice bubbled with excitement, and she kept telling me how much I was going to love her surprise.

The trolley arrived, and we stepped on. Violet pulled a few coins out of her purse and handed them to the driver, and we sat down near the back. As the trolley began ambling forward, I turned to Violet.

“Let me guess; we’re going to Briny Beach,” I said.

Violet’s eyes widened. “How did you know?!” she asked.

“Well, first of all,” I said, counting on my fingers, “The trolley is headed that way. Second of all, it’s our favourite place to hang out. Third of all...” I thought for a moment. “Never mind, I only have two reasons.”

Violet giggled. “You’re so smart,” she said, nudging me with her elbow.

Finally, we arrived at the beach. The two of us trotted down to the sand, and I let Violet lead me off to the left. Waiting for us were Klaus, Sunny, and something tall covered in a white sheet.

“Happy birthday, Y/N,” Klaus said.

“Odo yow!” Sunny said.

I grinned. “Thanks, guys.”

“Now,” Violet began, “I know how sad you were when the carnival cancelled. So... I made you this.” Violet pulled down the sheet, revealing a miniature ferris wheel almost as tall as I was. Most of the gondolas held a decorated cupcake, but I spotted small figurines of Klaus and Sunny in the gondola at the bottom. I quickly scanned the wheel and found what I was looking for. Standing in the top gondola, side by side, were figurines of me and Violet.

“Watch this!” Violet said. She bent down to the base of the invention and pulled a lever. The ferris wheel began to rotate slowly, and carnival music played in the background.

“Sunny made the cupcakes, and Klaus helped me research different carnival rides,” Violet explained.

I blinked back happy tears. “This is the best birthday present I could ever ask for.” I held out my arms, and Violet, Klaus, and Sunny came in for a group hug.

“Let’s have cupcakes,” I suggested. I eyed the ferris wheel for a few seconds, and quickly snatched a cupcake out of a gondola. It was decorated with sprinkles delicate swirls of icing. A took a bite, and the delicious flavours melted in my mouth. “These cupcakes are amazing, Sunny.”

“Terfunt!” she exclaimed, which meant thank you. The four of us finished our cupcakes in a pleasant silence, listening to the carnival music.

“It’s starting to rain,” Klaus commented, a drop of water visible on his glasses. He removed them and dried them off on the edge of his shirt.

“Oh no,” Violet said with a disappointed frown. The occasional rain drops began to fall more rapidly. “Klaus, Sunny, cover the ferris wheel. Y/N, come with me.” Violet grabbed my hand, and together we ran up away from the beach and down the road.

When we reached town, we ducked underneath an overhanging and giggled. Both of us were completely drenched, but the rain hadn't dampened my mood at all.

“I'm sorry your birthday was ruined,” Violet said, staring at her feet.

“It wasn't ruined. This is the best birthday I've ever had,” I replied. I pulled Violet into a hug, and for a while, we held each other. Even if it wasn't the birthday I'd been hoping for, it was one I would remember for a long time.

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