Shut Up And Kiss Me Already.

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You didn't know how this started but you and Harry were now arguing about a TV show in the middle of the living room. You both knew this was stupid now, you have argued about this before but it never got this far and you didn't know why.

Suddenly you realized why he was so upset. He was jelous. The character you were arguing about had been your co-star some time ago and Harry couldn't stand him. You stopped in your tracks and your boyfriend gave you a weird look. "What?" He said.

"Are you jelous?" You said to him, not being able to hide your little smile.

He just scoffed and turned arond, sitting himself at the end of the large sofa, with a pout on his face and his eyebrows scrunched together. You sat at the opposite end, moking his pout and exagerating it to get his attention.

"Oh, come oooon, H. How can you be jelous of... HIM?! Dear lord I can't stand him either but I like his character. It didn't deserve to die."

Harry looked at you for a second and went back to his original posture, mumbling something under his breath that you didn't catch.

You started laughing. "I can't believe we had that whole argument just because you are jelous, oh my god. And jelous of him out of all people." You continued talking, you wanted to see how long he could keep his pouty face on, when he suddenly raised his voice.

"Oh, will you shut up and kiss me already?"

You smirked, now it was your turn to play. You smirked, "Make me, Styles."

And that's all he needed for him to attack you with kisses, getting more and more heated. Not even bothering to go upstairs to your bed.

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