Chapter 1

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I was sitting in my small empty room looking at the boxes I did not want to leave New York this was my hometown and I knew everyone here even though I only hung out with daii it is still some pretty cool people here

My mom walked in the room and saw me staring out the window "nova what wrong" she said I love my mom to death and I would do anything for her that's why I hit me and Mariah dad in the back of the head with a pipe because he was hitting my momma before I made that decision he would try to touch Mariah and he would yell at me and slap me and would beat my mom she not no punk so they would be boxing up in here

Which would result me to drink and cut myself I haven't cut since February and it's April now but Mariah thinks that I am going to be a acholic she was so funny sometimes we have been through a lot but we have a since of humor

"Why do we have to leave" I said whining "nova I told you this already I got a promotion and we were going to be in a bigger house not a cramped up apartment " she said stroking my hair I sighed " I don't understand why you are so upset daii and her mom will be moving in with us" she said

My mom and daii mom knew each other since they were 13 that when my mom got pregnant with mar,daii mom (Jessica) helped her out until my mom got pregnant with me and Jessica got pregnant with daiija

"Yeah you right that reminds me I have to text her she said her and kobe( her brother who is 6)  want to ride with us

"Okay I will get the rest of these boxes for you " she said "thanks ma love you" I said she smiled and gave me a kiss and walked out I decided to FaceTime daii instead

"Move kobe dang always in my business" daii said I laughed

"Don't do my boyfriend like that" I said smiling and waving at him he waved back

"Girl come get your boyfriend'' she said

"Are y'all on your way " I said
"Yeah we 5 minutes away" she said
"Hey Cass" Jessica said
"Hey titi" I said
"Girl are you ready to see these fine Florida nig- I mean boys" she said bit then her mom slapped her and her dad laughed so did I

Her parents so cool they don't even be tripping over her but my mom has to know what I'm doing 24/7 but for the most part she let us be free

"Yeah girl I ain't gone be worried about all that I had to leave the cheerleading team here so I plan to be a cheerleader there hopefully" I said

"Yeah I heard Florida girls messy but they be having the littest parties"she said

"Awe fr,maybe moving there ain't so bad after all " I said she laughed

"Bye ma,bye dad, come on Kobe nova open the door" she said and hung up

I ran downstairs and opened the door I was to hug daii but Kobe ran towards me and jumped which means for me to pick him up so I did

"Hey bae,you missed me" I Said setting him down he nodded yes he doesn't really talk much I hope when he goes to Florida that will change

"Hey girl" I said to daii as I went back upstairs from my apartment "Heyyy" she said when we went back in the house the men where already loading our stuff in the truck  and mar was sitting on the window ledge Kobe ran to her and hugged her "Heyy riah" daii said  "Hey daii" Mariah said as she handed Kobe her old phone for him to play games on

Me and daii sat on the last couch that we didn't really want so we were leaving it here "I'm gone miss this place " daii said "yeah me to we had our first fight in front of this building right there " I said pointing out the window we both laughed "we should carve out initials"mar said we all agreed

I put "nova was forever here"
Daii put "daiija visited here
Mar put "never trust a snake from:riah"

We all laughed and then our mom called us outside so when can start heading out I took one last look at the place and closed the door I smiled at the building and put up the ✌️ sign

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