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So hello again beauts. It's come to my attention that I haven't given the appearances of jack, and hazey. I may write another update today as I am ill and have a lot of time on my hands... Anywho back to appearances

Jack -
Hight - 6'2
Eye color - chocolate brown
Hair color - dyed navy blue
Build - toned but not overly muscular
Facial structure - wide eyes and full lips, a sharp jawline/cheekbones, perfectly proportioned.

Hazey -
Hight - 5'
Eye color - golden
Hair color - naturally turquoise
Hair length - jawlength and super curly, shoulder length when straightened
Build - kinda "chubby" quite top and bottom heavy.
Facial structure - almost almond shaped eyes with long eyelashes. Lips that are so plump they look like they're about to pop, soft jawline/cheekbones.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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