Chapter 8: Life Threatening

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I was terrified. Damon wasn't there for me much for a couple decades, but he's was my only brother I grew up with, I hated to admit it but he was probably the person I love the most and if he died... I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

I thought of a life with no Damon;

No brother, No troublemaker, No Family...

No Bestfriend.

But I thought of the good things

No more trouble making by Damon, less deaths, one less vampire... I couldn't even believe I was thinking this. I'm a horrible brother. Honestly, it would be so much worst without Damon! He wouldn't be there to help us save the world and without Damon we wouldn't find the cure and everything would be different.. I just thought about how terrible a life with no damon would be.. I'm just glad that he's going to be alright

I slowly fell asleep but the thought of damon dead kept pushing me back to reality. I ended up falling asleep around 10 am.

Before I slept, I looked at Elena. She was sleeping but she looked so beautiful, her eyes were beautiful even closed and her pale skin was so soft . She had a steady breathing, but her arms had goosebumps. I took my blanket and placed it on top of her, wondering why she was cold since vampires couldn't feel. I brushed off the thought and kissed her forehead, Gee, I thought, I scored big time on Elena .


I woke up next to Elena. She didn't have the blanket anymore. It was pushed to the corner of the tent. I watched as she shivered in coldness and I put the blanket on her again

I was about to head out my tent to check on Damon, but then right when my foot went out of the tent, Elena had grabbed my wrist, "Stefan wait" she said.

I smiled,  "Go back to sleep baby.". She closed her eyes again,but started on : "no, please stay with me. I'm so cold" she said

I wondered why she was so cold because vampires don't feel heat or coldness. I remembered last night that she had goosebumps. I tried thinking of something but nothing came up. I bent down and kissed her forehead, "it's okay baby, here", and I put the Blanket over her. "I'll be back, don't worry I'll only be gone for a few. I need to check on my brother". I put my arms around elena to keep her more warm. "that feels so much better", she stated. I smiled at her as she curled into a ball . Then I got up again. "I'll be back soon I promise. I love you" I said . I love you too", she replied.

I walked out of the tent and saw Rebekah near the fire ,"Are you cold too?" I asked her. "No but it's getting really chilly and I'm not exactly cold but it's really chilly" she answered. I started towards her and sat down on the log that she was on. "Is it not chilly for you?" She asked. "No. I maybe it's a girl thing" I said . "Don't be sexist, Stefan", she demanded. "Sorry" I replied. I went on again, "but I don't see how that's sexis-". Are Elena, Caroline,and Bonnie cold too?" She interrupted.

"Elena is really cold but I don't know about the others, but speaking of Bonnie, have you seen her? I've been looking for her for the past few days and I haven't seen her ever since the first night we got here." I said

"No, I haven't seen bonnie since I went out to look for the cure yesterday. I got NO WHERE thanks to all of you. None of you have been helping me with this at all! That's the only reason we even came"Rebekah said.

"Im sorry, we've been pre-occupied, you know my brother dying and all. Anyways, where is the bottle of Klaus's blood?" I asked

"it's in my bag in my tent.", she answers. "OH YEAH!", she startled me, "and I share a tent with Bonnie now by the way" , she explained. "Ok I'll find it, and I'll check on Bonnie too. I hope she's okay" I said.

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