I guess he's cute...

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Who wouldn't want pink tableware?

That's what Tal thought to herself as she browsed through the kitchen section. The answer was her, but her roommate would kill her if she brought home anything other than pink. She sighed and looked through it all again.
Red, blue, purple, yellow, green and no pink. Everything but pink. What kind of store included yellow and not pink? Frustrated, she turned around to go to the next store but was met with a manly face. Although it was manly he was sure as hell a cute guy.
"Hey, can you feel my shirt?" He asked.
"Uh, what? Your shirt?"
"Yeah, feel my shirt" he held out part of the fabric from the bottom of his shirt and she awkwardly touched it ever so slightly. She looked up at him wondering why he'd wanted her to do that.

"It feels nice, right?" she cautiously nodded. "Thanks," he smiled, "it's boyfriend material." Tal almost choked on her own spit. Was that a terrible pick up line? From an incredibly hot guy? Aimed at her? She didn't have a response to it. "Sorry," he quickly said, "it sounded a lot better in my head. It was kind of dumb, right? So sorry." His goofiness was somehow alluring to her, it was cute. 
"It's okay," she shyly looked to the ground trying to hide the small smile that had formed on her face. A part of her wanted to flirt with him but she didn't know what to say.

"I'm Junhoe." He held his hand out and she lightly shook it.
"So, Tal," he smiled, "you should really come to my show some time."
"Show? What, are you in a circus or something?" She said.
"God, no. I'm in a band. I'm the lead vocalist, not to brag or anything, but we call ourselves iKon. With a K."
"Why with a K?" Asked Tal.
"Doesn't matter," he said, "we have a show this Saturday at the YG pub at 8, you should come."
"Maybe," she smiled, "I'll see what I can do."
"Well, I'll leave you to your cutlery then. Goodbye, Tal." He winked before leaving the store. She dumbly stood there wondering what the hell had just happened.


Walking in to the pub, she wasn't sure what to expect. She hadn't even known if she were going to come, up until 30 minutes before. She had changed into a nice red top and left on an impulse decision. The pub was dimly lit with rainbow fairy lights around the bar. Tal didn't drink often, but seeing the lights made her want to buy something. She didn't though, she was still saving money for a new car. The stage lights lit up as 5 figures came into light. There he was. Junhoe was standing at the front with nothing more than a microphone but he looked beautiful. He cleared his throat and the music played. As the other band members played their instruments he simply swayed along to the beat until it was his turn. From his first breath she was frozen. Mesmerized. Such a voice could only be heard from a god or holy prince. His voice had a certain raspy tone to it that only added to the listening experience and left her mouth wide open sitting in the audience. How had no one else been so starstruck and moved by not only his voice, but his stage presence, his attractive face and overall performance? By him? In another life, she swore he had to be one of the biggest names in the music industry.

The song came to an end. It wasn't something she'd recognized, perhaps it was an original piece, she didn't know. Junhoe walked down the side of the small stage and towards the bar, getting high fives from audience members as he passed.

Taking in a deep breath she approached him.
"Oh my god, hey! You came!" His face was filled with glee and she wanted nothing more than to squeeze his cheeks. "Did you enjoy the show?" He asked.
"It was really good, you were amazing, actually." She said, softer than she'd planned. God, where had her confidence gone?
"Thanks," he replied, suddenly looking even more shy than she was.
"What was the song called? It was really good but I've never heard it." She'd asked, wanting nothing more than an excuse to talk to him for longer.
"Apology," he said, "one of our members produced it! I'll have to tell him you said that, he'll be really excited."
"Really? He must be pretty talented."

"Okay, that's too much, he'll be way too full of himself. Shhhhh." He made a 'shh' motion with his hand and they both laughed together. They stared at each other for entirely too long but neither of them wanted the moment to end.

"Do you want a drink?" He asked her.
"No, I don't like drinking," she responded, almost feeling bad for turning down the offer of a free drink.

"Oh, okay. I won't drink either then." He smiled and grabbed her hand. "Wanna dance?" He led them to the dance floor and started doing the most ridiculous dance moves she'd seen her life. She laughed and jokingly stepped away from him. "No! Join in, come on it's fun, I promise." So she did. There among the small crowd of dancing drunks were two young people flailing their arms around and kicking their legs becoming more and more fond of each other with each passing second.

The two of them danced and laughed all night until they grew tired and went their separate ways, saying goodbye with no more than a gentle kiss on the cheek.


"No, Jenn, you don't understand. It was magical. I've never felt like that before."
"Yeah. You've never been in love before. I can't believe you've known the guy for like a week and you're already falling for him." Her roommate said.
"It's not my fault he's amazing." She responded.
"Oh god."

It was a few days after the night at the pub and Tal sat with her roommate, Jenn, talking and watching movies. The movie playing right then was 'Back To The Future' but the pair of friends were no longer paying attention. "Tal, you are so embarrassing."
"No I'm not! He's just great." She hummed in response in a 'sure he is' kind of way. After talking about him, she really wanted to text him, maybe even get the balls to ask him on a date.

To: Junhoe
hey what are u up to?

She didn't expect his response to come so quickly.

From: Junhoe
Just got a message from a really cute girl
How about you?

It had been less than a day since she'd last texted him but she'd briefly forgotten how embarrassingly cute he was.

To: Junhoe
oh my god you're so dumb
are you busy this weekend?

From: Junhoe
No not at all
Do you want to go on a date?
Like with me
I know a really good cafe we could go to

Tal stared at her screen. He'd beaten her to it. A cafe date? With Junhoe? She smiled at the thought.

To: Junhoe
that would be nice

"Why are you smiling like tha- oh my god, you're face is all red." Jenn laughed at her and gave her a suggestive shove.
"Stop it! Why are you a child, I swear to god."
"Did he send a dick pic?"
"No, you idiot. We have a date." She said.
"Oooooohhh a date," her friend dragged out the end of date and wouldn't stop smiling at her. She was so annoying.

From: Junhoe
12pm Saturday?
Can't wait to see you again xx

Well, Tal was officially ready to die.

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