Chapter 1 - The Potter series, huh?

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I'm not any good with descriptions so here we go. I'm also not a doctor so I don't know if any of this is accurate or not so bare with me here:

Louis is 19 and has Peter Pan syndrome. The thing about Louis is that he also has aspergers. After his parents divorce and his mother's death, he hasn't had anyone to be there for him. He has Zayn, who has been his friend since the beginning, and Niall, who was one Zayn's friends. No one else even bothers trying to break through all the walls Louis has managed to build up, Zayn being one of them, until one cheeky lad comes along trying to change that. Will Louis let him in? Or will he just push him away until the lad gives up?

Louis P.O.V.

"Lou, I'm going to go find a book. Stay here, yeah?" Zayn asks me. He's always reading! He's really smart and went to university.

"Ok, but hurry please," I tell him, blushing, looking down in my lap.

"Hey, you're ok. I'll be back in a few. I'll be right over there," he says pointing over to some book cases on the other side of the library. We were sitting at the tables in the back where no one came. I don't really like talking to people. They scare me. Kids are ok though. They are much better then aduts. I'm reading the Harry Potter series for like the 10th time. They're my favorite books. Zaynie doesn't have them so we get them from the library. I'm on the first book. Zayn and I come to the library every Wednesday.

I looked up from my reading and I see a guy with really curly brown hair walking towards me. What should I do? I should go find Zayn before the guy gets here. Oops, too late.

"Hi, 'm Harry," he says sitting down at the table with me. I look back down to my book hoping that if I ignore him he'll go away.

"What're you reading?" Harry asks. I answer by showing him the cover. "The Potter series, huh? I used to love those books as a kid," he says while smiling at me.

"Louis, who's this?" Thank god, Zayn. I run over to him and hug him, hiding my face in his chest.

"I just wanted to talk to him," Harry mumbles to Zayn. Zayn ignores this and turns to me.

"Are you ok, sweetie?"Zayn says to me. I nod, feeling the tears coming. "Lou, please don't cry. Shh you're ok," he continues. I always cry whenever someone tries to talk to me, besides Zayn of course. I don't know why I'm so shy. I just am.

"I'm really sorry. I uh didn't me too do anything wrong," Harry says. Zayn just glares at him. "I'll um go now," Harry gets up and leaves. Zayn leads me back to the table and sits me down.

"What did he want?" Zayn asks sounding angry.

"I'm sorry Zaynie! He just came over here and started talking to me!" I say bursting into tears. Zayn engulfs me in a hug and picks me up and sits us down in the chair with me on his lap.

"Shh, Lou it's ok. You're fine. Just come and find me next time. I don't want you getting hurt," I nod cuddling into his chest. I always feel safe around Zayn.

"Let's go, yeah?" Zayn asks me.

"Yeah, lets go," I tell him as I get off of him and grab my books. Zayn grabs his in one hand and takes my free hand with his other hand. He leads me to the door and stops me to make sure I have my coat and gloves on, since it's the middle of winter. He grabs my hand again and we walk out to the car and he opens the passenger door for me. I get in and buckle up. Zayn goes around to get in the drivers side.

"Are you buckled?" Zayn asks me and I nod in response. He starts the car and we head back to our flat. Zayn and I have lived together since my mum died. I've known Zayn since I was 5 and he was 8. Are mums were really good friends.

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