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In the morning,
The sun had risen up, Bharat, Lakshman and Shatrughan woke up and were shocked to see their wives sleeping besides them with satisfaction and smiles in their faces, they kissed their wives forehead and went to get freshen up.
After some time,
Lakshman: Mila, wake up, see its already morning.
Bharat: Maan dear, why are you not woken up till now, wake up dear.
Shatrughan: Kirti, why are you asleep till now, wake up dear its already very late.
Lakshman went to Urmila and shook her to wake her up but she didn't respond.
In fear, Bharat, Lakshman and Shatrughan shouted to Ram from their chambers. Ram and the eight children heard the shout from the dining area where they were waiting for the others to arrive but were shocked by the shouts and went towards the shouts to look what had happened. They met the three brothers in the midway in the corridor carrying their wives in their arms.
Ram ordered one of the servants to call for the doctor.
The doctor checked the sisters, meanwhile the family members were looking at him eagerly. The doctor looked at the family members and bowed his head down.
Ram: What's the matter, is everything alright?
Doctor: I am sorry Maharaj, for delivering this bad news to you....
Ram: What do you mean?
Doctor: Actually Maharaj, the three princesses are no more.
Ram: What???
Bharat, Lakshman and Shatrughan stood still like statues hearing the news. The children cried for their mothers and hugged them.
Ram looked at his brothers and felt heartbroken by seeing their state. He run towards them pushing the tears back in his eyes.
The three brothers came back to senses and looked at their Ram bhaiya. They cried uncontrollably.
Bharat: This cannot happen bhaiya, how is this possible.
Shatrughan: She was fine yesterday, how can something happen to her in one night.
They went towards their wives and put their heads on their laps.
Lakshman caressed Urmila's face and a tear slipped down his face. He hugged her tightly and cried.
Ram couldn't control his tears, he knew the pain of his brothers as he had gone through this pain many years ago when Sita had left him forever. But now he had lost his three precious sisters. Luv and Kush hugged him and cried.
The six children cried hugging their fathers and demised mothers.
After some time,
Bharat, Lakshman and Shatrughan dressed their wives like brides and put sindoor in their partings for the last time.
The sisters were taken for the funeral. The priest told their sons to do the last rites of their mothers.
Luv: We will also give fire to them.
Kush: Yes they were our mothers also.
The eight children together gave the fire to their three dear mothers. All prayed for the departed souls to be in peace.

After a few days,
Ram looked at his brothers who were helping him in his duties but were not like before. He called them to his chambers.
Bharat: You called us bhaiya?
Lakshman: Is there any problem bhaiya?
Shatrughan: How can we help you bhaiya?
Ram: Calm down you three, there isn't any problem, I have called you all to talk something with you.
Lakshman: Yes bhaiya.
Ram: You all are looking disturbed, what's the matter with you three. You are doing every work very sincerely, even you all are spending more time with me than before but I am not able to find my brothers anymore.
Lakshman, Bharat and Shatrughan looked at Ram and some lone tears slipped down their face.
Ram wiped their tears and hugged them. He knew the matter and thus rubbed their backs to control them.
Ram: It's OK now, you all go to your rooms.
Bharat, Lakshman and Shatrughan: Yes bhaiya.
In the respective rooms of the brothers, they were holding something precious of their wives and crying.
Lakshman (holding Urmila's dupatta and looking at the sky): I miss you Mila, it's hard to live without you. I hope to meet you soon Mila, never to be separated again.
Bharat (holding a small portrait of Mandvi and looking at the sky): I can see you in the stars Maan, I hope you can see me Maan.
He looked at a star shining brightly at him.
Shatrughan holds a piece of jewellery in his hand and looked at a star and he could feel that the star smiling at him. He looked at it and said "I love you Kirti".
Ram, Bharat, Lakshman and Shatrughan saw four stars together shining brightly. They looked at the stars and said "The four sisters are finally united".

Thus, here ended the story about the departure of Mandvi, Urmila and Shutkirti.

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