#7: Family First - PART I

Start from the beginning

"So, how long have you been married?" he asked then, trying to break the ice.

"Eight months", replied Harry.

"Take care of her..." said Loki and looked away, and then the unaffordable, awkward silence spread in the atmosphere again.

Y/N came in, holding William's hand. When the boy saw Loki, he let his mother's hand and ran towards him. Loki's eyes sparkled with happiness.

"Daddy!" he called and fell on the man's hug. Loki lifted him up with a warm smile on his face.

"Oh, look at you! You grew up so much!"

Loki kissed his son's cheek and ran his hand through the boy's hair. Y/N smiled and approached them.

"Can I talk to you in person?" whispered Harry in her ear.

Y/N followed her husband in the kitchen.

"What?" she asked.

"Are you sure it's safe leaving him with the child?"

"Harry, he's not bad or crazy... he's been through a lot. Let him take delight in his son, he needs it".

"But you told me that he's dangerous!"

"Look, I know what I said, okay? His brother had told me that Loki might be suffering from something... emotional. I lived with him for more than two years and I know he does, and now that I've left him it has become worse. He's not okay, I know it –even if he never admits it– but this is the reason we should let him".

Harry sighed and nodded in relinquishment. Then, they returned to the living room. William was sitting on his father's lap and they were talking joyfully. Y/N had never seen a wider smile on Loki's face.

"How are you two doing?" she asked, approaching them with her husband.

"We're just saying silly things", replied Loki with a playful voice, lifting his head up, "Tell me, does he really have one of those big teddy bears?"

"Yeah, Harry's sister bought it for his birthday", said Y/N.

Loki looked in her eyes and, for a moment his heart ached and the smile faded. He looked down quickly. Don't, he commanded himself.

"Daddy will take me at his home next weekend!" said William happily.

"Hey, I didn't say that!" Loki hastened to say.

"But you will!"

"Damn. I have really rubbed off on him", laughed Loki.

Everyone laughed. The child's sleeve fell down a little, revealing the watch he was wearing. Loki took his son's hand with a wan smile in his lips.

"I can't believe you still have this..." he mumbled.

"Of course I do!" said the boy.

"Ugh... come here, you made papa so happy today!" said Loki and wrapped his arms around William's waist, and a tear of glee ran down his cheek.

The God of Mischief stayed at Y/N's house for about two more hours. And, honestly, it was the best two hours in his life. But, as always, nothing good lasts forever, so, sometime, Loki had to go. He kissed goodbye his son, promising that they'd meet again soon and followed Y/N to the door.

"Well..." he murmured, looking at Y/N, "This was so good to be true, thank you for everything".

"You're welcome".

"Am I?"

The question made Y/N's heart ache.

"O-of course..." she hemmed.

"So... you don't bear a grudge against me, do you?"

"No. I know you're a good man after all".

Loki averted his look and the corner of his lips curved into a small smile. Oh, if only I could believe this...

"You didn't tell me, is it a boy or a girl?" he asked, looking at her belly bump.

"A girl".

The God of Mischief lowered his head, not having what to say. This child could have been mine if I wasn't such a dumbass.

"Ugh, come here!" murmured Y/N and hugged him.

Loki wrapped his arms around her and caressed her tight. Her embrace was so warm, yet he could feel her pregnancy belly against his body, and that was awkward. He shrank back abruptly, gave Y/N something that he hoped that looked like a smile and quickly opened the door.

"Hey, what's going on?" she asked, grabbing his wrist before he could do a step.

"Nothing, I... I just have to go. I love you..." The words just left his mouth before he could even think of it. He freed his hand from her grip, "I-I shouldn't say that, I'm sorry".

Y/N could notice Loki's emotional conflict, and this made her feel so guilty and so bad for him. She leaned and kissed his cheek.

"It's okay. I missed you too", she said and glanced behind to make sure that her husband wasn't watching.

Then, she gave him a soft kiss on his lips. She put her hand on his chest and she could feel his heart beating like crazy when he leaned and kissed her back. But then he realized... No, no, this isn't right! He stood back and shoved her gently.

"Take care", he soughed and finally walked out of the house with quick steps.


Well, that's it for now! Let me know if you liked it (the star is over there, and you can easily comment one word to describe my work 😊). I'll post again as soon as I can. I just have the problem that, while I have many, mAnY ideas and I have kept notes for about... 10 more stores(?!), I don't have the time to type them. If only they could be typped by themselves! But this is not gonna happen,so... yeah.

Anyway, cheers!

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