AN 2

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Hi everyone sorry i ahavent updated yet but i cant think of anything to write if you could help i would really appriciate it and as im starting back to school and be in year 9 starting my GCSE i might take longer uploading but ill try every weekend if i avent fot a lot of Homwork and i have ideas of what to do, if you come up with an idea please give me sugestions and i might make a problem in it were a girl is chasing after Kol so here is also what i want you to do MAKE ME A CHARCTER it can be you, a friend or some random person and who ever i choose will have the chapter were i introduce the charcter in to the story dedicated to them so here is what i need

Name (Full)


Age (17-23)

Hair colour 

Eye coulur 

Job (if you have one)

a small pargraph saying how she dresses her/his persanility and why they want to 'seduce' Kol and anything else that could help my story be tons better and could help me.

So have fun and i hope i get a lot of comments 

~Kelsey xoxo

if you have any ideas you dont want others to see please feel free to email me at

thank you  

~Kelsey xoxo

Original Wife (twilight Vampire Diaries Crossover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang