A Surprise

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We all got in our cars and Followed nik to Bayona (actual restraunt in new orleans) when we gtot there we was lead to a reserved table and we sat dow i was inbetween Kol and bekkah with nik next to Kol and Elijah next to bekkah then Alice, Jasper, Esme Carlisle, Edward, Rosalie then Emmet next to Elijah. I looked at the menu and talked with bekkah and we both decided on a prawn cocktail starter and i got a lasagne and chips whilest she got spagetti carbonara and we got a glass of red wine. Kol and Nik got a steak whilet ELi got pie andthey got a starte the Cullen women got a salad for a starter and spagetti bolognaise which will go to waste anyway and the culle boys got garlic bread for a starter and a pizza to share. The waitress walked of which we learned was called Zoe and she kept looking at kol which i glared at herf for she was wearing a black mini skirt and a white tube top which was ver revling and some black ballet pumps.She walked of after getting the menus and winking at kol who held my hand, when my phone went of  i looked at the id it read KATRINA and everyone on our table was watching me i answered the phone

Katherin    isabella

Katrina why are you ringing me when i said her name nik looked at me
well i heared the Original Wife was having Cold one trouble and I offering my Help as you are my dear dear little sisterWhat about Niklaus he will obviously be there as he is after all faily Katerina
yes well i thought of that and if he could let me of for a little while whilest i help our Family then we both still live. What do you say work some magic dusst on klaus.
Katrina, you do know nik is right nere and can here you? Who told you about the Cold ones
W-w-wh-what. klaus is with you?
Yes Kat we our all out having a meal and im ready to kill some one already so dont annoy me Катрина Елизабет Петрова (AN Katrina Elizabeth Petrova) who told you ?The cullens looked stunned as i said Katrina name
Скуби банда скъпа сестра и моля да ми помогне аз искам да ти помогна Isabella (AN scooby gang dear sister and please help me i want to help you Isabella)
Ще видя какво мога да направя сестра (ANi'll see what i can do sister)
Благодаря ви.Обичам те Винаги и завинаги.    (AN thank you. i love you always and Forever)
И аз те обичам винаги и завинаги.   (AN i love you too always and forever)

i hung up just in time for our starters to come we eat in silence and kol had his hand on my leg as he knew how i get after talking to Katerina. I go in to my own world and just think i was pulled out of my thoughts when Zoe came over and asked if we were ready for Mains and we all said yes and Nik looked at me "Isabella..." i looked at him " how is dear little Katerina"and Elijah looked at Nik "Niklaus leave Bell alone you know how much she loves Katherine" i looked at them both "exscus me a minuet" i got up to leave and kol looked at me "our you ok Isa" he asked and i nodded i looked at bekkah and she  knew i needed her with me she got up and we went to the bathroom "bekkah, you know i turned of my emotion well i turned them back on and they have hightened alot more than they usually do why do you think i been weired" i started to cry and she hugged me "bekkah as a vampire have you ever been ill?" she looked at me "No why?" i shrugged i think there is something wrong with me i have been ill every morning and my sense heightened alot its not normal bekkah" she looked at me in worry then her eyes widened "Isa what the only thing with heightened emotions and morning sickness?" she asked smiling i could only think of one thing but "it's impossable i'm a vampire...i cant be.... can i..." i looked at bekkah who looked at me and jumped up and down "YOUR PREGNANT" she squeled and i couldnt stop smiling i hugged bekkah "we will make sure it's true tomorrow me and you?" shea asked "we will have to do it before noon which shouldnt be a problem as were all packed" i said and we nodded 2letsa go eat im starving" she said and we walked back in to the restraunt and to our table "you ok isa" Elijah asked and i nodded smiling looking at bekkah who smirked "whats ging on i know tat look between you to  you know something and your not telling anyone" nik said whilest i sat down next to kol who smiled at me "you sure your ok" he wispered in my ear i nodded and smiled he miled backa dn i looked at bekka and said in a low voice "we'll have defnatly got to find out tomorrow" he nodded when Edward spoke to us "so what was that laugage you was speaking?" he asked looking at me "Bulgarian" i said "when did you learn to speak bulgarian" Carlisle asked "when i was 3 i lovied in bulgaria with my sister Katerina and little sister Arabella and brother Ivan and mother and Father but after a very tragic accident they all died apart from me and katerina... isnt that right Niklaus?" i asked him he looked at me " well, i personally blame Katrina" he said and i was getting mad when bekkah wispered so low i could just hear it "Think about the baby" i nodded and breathed "Thank you bekkah" she smiled at me and kol looked confussed Zoe came and placed our food on the tabe bending over so kol could see her tits and ars but he  looked for a few seconds then looked away i looked at bekkah who noticed and looked pissed she hit kol on the head who looked at her and Zoe looked pissed of for bekkah hitting him i now got a better look at her and hair wa blond with brown roots and sparkling blue eyes and had curves in the right places. when she left i was glad i looked at kol and hit his head "Sorry" he said looking down "you better be" i eat my food in slence listening to the other conversations we all had finihed and they all were ordering a dessert but i decided not to ten looked at bekkah "we should do it now instead" i told her and she nodded "Me and isa our going for a... Drink" she said and the cullens looked disgusted and the kol looked at me concerned and nik nodded "Is tell Katrina she is free" he said an di looked at him smiling "really?" he nodded and i hgged him "thank you Nik" i kissed his check and said bye to them all i followed bekkah to her car wewent home and got changed in to a red mini skirt and black courset an black heels bekkah put on black leggings and a white brest top whitch only coverd her bobbs and a mini leather jacket and heels with studdds "soom i wmt be able to wear this so im getting what i can out of it" and she smilled and nodded "yoou better that was expencive and i paid for it" she said which caused me to laugh "please as if you ever bought anything in your life" i said nd we both laughed "true" we got back in bekkahs car and made our way to the pharmacie which we entered and i sae Zoe so it must be her time of i looked at bekkah and she smirked she bumped in to zoe by 'accident' and i walked over to the pregnancy test and got one the went to bekkah "bekkah come on" i said in fake annoyance and 'noticed' zoe "you were the waitress at bayone aren't you" i said and she nodded "cool we have just come from there... did you see anybody you liked i swear i saw you look at a few boys and a beutiful girl like you..." i mentally gaged "... could get anybody" she smiled at me "you sure are correct there was this guy i think i heared somebody call him kol and he is georgeus" she said and i smiled "he sounds wounderful well we mst be of" i walked of and went to the check out a man scanned the box "£15" he said i inaled to smell for vervain and i couldnt smell any "it's free" i compeled and he repeated "thank you" i said and walked of we went to the public loo and i went in to one and bekkah waited out side the door "if you are pregnant what would you call it" she asked " i dunno but i hope he/she will help this family become closer together so hope Mikealson for a gir; (AN sorry but i love this name and hayley not in it so.)" i said smiling i got out of the stall and placed the test near the sink and washed my hands "thats beutiful name" she said and i nodded "but i cant think of a boy name i dont want to upset you but henrik" i said and she looked at me and smiled "there wonderful name it could never upset me so what kind of pregnacy test did you get"she aked "the one were it tells you how far you our and how many you are havingbut it like 99% correct so yeah" and she nodded we had waited 10 minuets and it was time to see i picked up the test and thought of tricking bekkah i looked at her all sad and she frowned "im.." she looked really upset and i smiled "pregnant" sshe sqyeled and se jumed up and down "how many are you having" she asked i looked a it shocked "t-t-twins" i looked at her and smiled and we zoomed to the car and went home. When we got back we saw everyone car there i looked really happy we walked in and i saw them all in the movie room watching Transformers 2 and i laughed they looked up at me and i saw elijah looking bored bekkah came in and looked at them all and she saw Elijah as well "were have you two been" ELijah asked "somewere" i replied and plopped next to kol "terasing a young slutty waitress" bekkah said and i giggled and looked at her "I cant keep it a secret" she shrugged "up to you your the one getting fat" she said smirking and the others looked shocked "BEKKAH , im not getting fat for like 2-3 mounths" and kol spoke up "Isa what does she mean" he asked i noticed the cullens were watching us "Come on kol ill tell you upstairs" he nodded and i toke his hand and went to our room i sat on the bed "well, im... pregnant" he looked stunned "were going to  be parents" and i nodded he smiled at me and tackled me on to the bed "i love you isabella" he said "i love you too Kol" he smiled "is that why you ad bekkah left" he asked and i nodded "we didnt wat to tell any one before i knew it was true bekkah figured it out thats why i was so happy" there was a knock at the door and bekkah came in "hi..." she said and i laughed "what do you think?" she said to kol "im static but we should tell the others then go to sleep" he said and he nodded "ill be down in 5 in need to call Katrina" they nodded and left i messeged her sayin

Nik has freed you so you can come and lets say your going to be an Aunt!
Isabella xoxo

I waited 5 minuets before getting a replie

Thank you for talking to nik and i'm really happy for you ill meet you at Italy tomorrow
Kat xoxo

i smiled and walked downstairs and saw everyone talking i sat next to kol and everything went quiet they looked at me and i spoke up "we have omething to tell you..." they all were watching me whilest kol was holding me in his arms "... I'm Pregnant" they all looked stunned and Elijah was the first to speak "congratuations you to" he said and kissed my check "thank you Eli" and i looked at nik "wow ok, didnt expect that but im actually happy" i smiled and hugged him "tank you nik" he hugged back and we pulled away and he looked at me "as you and bekkah were on your own earlier  i want to know have you thounght of any names" kol asked as i sat in his knee "actually we did but i donno if you would like to name them it for a girl i was thinking Hope..." he smiled at me "and thi one bekkah really likes it but i want to know what you 3 think as it was Henrik" i looked at tem and ELijah smiled " i like it" he smiled and Kol agreed and we looked at nik he nodded "i think it will suit him" he said and  i smiled and we talked abit more and then went to bed

What do you think of the names?

Dedicated to Batman_the_unicorn for my Girl who likes Kol

Original Wife (twilight Vampire Diaries Crossover)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora