I open my science book for some last minute revision before walking towards my Physics class, knowing all too well that I’m going to look forward to my science test as much as I would look forward to having my teeth extracted.


I am early for class this time, rather opting to use my extra time to look over my work before the hour of mental torture I know is awaiting me began.

People make their way in around me, sitting down and taking their places in their desks. Somehow I can feel those colours again...everyone seems to have a blue-grey aura about them, a sort of nervous energy that is hard to ignore. That’s when I feel it again...a violent throb wracks my brain for the second time this day.

The science notes in front of me go blurry and start dancing before my eyes, and that’s when he walks in. I take a couple of deep breaths before looking up to see Aidan glance my way as he takes the seat in the corner of the class. The throbbing calms down and now that I can finally concentrate again I notice that Mrs Morees had entered the room and is already handing out the question paper. She placed a page on my desk and I can barely write my name through my swimming vision.

I spend the next hour trying to work out calculations with a pumping head and a shaky hand. By the time it is over and Mrs Morees sys that our time is up I am ready to keel over and eat headache tablets like they're M&M’s.

I chance a look over at Aidan, only to find him smirking in my direction. I don’t know how but I think he can somehow sense my discomfort, as if he knows his presence might be the cause of it. I glared back at him, determined not to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he was affecting me.

He just narrows his eyes before giving me a drop-dead look. I wither in response, averting my gaze back down to my desk. What is wrong with me? Since when do I ever back down from a challenge? I may not have the confidence of a public speaker, but I’m not some wallflower who lies down to be walked all over like a door mat.

I turn my attention back towards my teacher, who at this point is reminding us to bring our chemistry books tomorrow so we can start on a new chapter. The bell rings promptly and I run out of the class so fast I might have left skid marks in my wake.


The rest of the day passes in a blur, just a consistent process of arriving for lessons, taking out notes and attempting to focus before the bell rings and the whole thing starts again.  By the time the final bell rings for early closure I am all too excited to jump into the water polo pool for the team trials.

I walk to the poolside girls locker rooms and get changed into my costume along with all the other girls who are trying out today. I'm planning on making the school’s first team; which is why I am at second and third team trials. I just want to make it into second team so I can play around in the pool twice a week and go to a few matches, since sport participation looks great on a university application. I rather want to play for the first side in my last year of school.

I jump into the pool as the coach arrives and I swim a few warm up lengths before we are divided into 2 teams. There is an odd number of people trying out, so the group I am placed in has one player too many. I opt to sit out for the first half of the try-out match, and so sit on the bench to cheer on the rest of the girls in the pool. When it comes to half time through the match, when I am meant to swop with one of the other girls and we can discuss strategy, I notice someone leaning against the fence on the far side of the pool area. That certain someone happens to be Aidan.

I am so momentarily confused at his appearance yet a lack of any mind-numbing pain coming from my head, that I don’t notice that everyone has gotten into the pool before the coach’s whistle brings me back to reality. I dive straight in, making it into the water in time before the starting whistle goes off and I swim down the length of the pool. I am looking around for an open player or a gap in the other teams defence when I feel the nail-gun sensation assault the back of my skull. I glimpse in Aidan’s direction to see him focusing on me, a look of concentration painted on his face.

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