"Nasty" Milian said gagging
"Why you ain't answer the first time?" Nasir asked as Dion answered the phone

"I was asleep" she said in a groggy voice

"Ouu you sound like them people on the cigarette commercials" Milo said

"Shut uppp" Dion said coughing

"You sick?" Nasir asked

"Yeah I have a lil cold, but I'm good" Dion said

"It is not a lil cold" Milian said touching her forehead

"Ok a big cold" Dion said

"She has a fever, a headache, and chest pain but won't go to the hospital" Milian said

"I don't need to Milian they'll just send me home" Dion said

"Call the doctor Milian" Nasir said

"I'm about to" Milian said

"If they tell you to come to the hospital you go Dion I'm not playin witchu"

"They're not going to tell me to come in but if they do I'll go" Dion said

"You ate?" He asked

"Take me off pause" she said

"I'm tryna see what's the next flight they got" He said

"Nasir it's not that serious, you come home on Friday literally 2 days from tonight" Dion said

"I'm just lookin in case I do Dion" Nasir said

"He said head to the emergency room" Milian said

"Well I'll be out thea later on tonight" Nasir said

"Nasir can you just at least wait until they tell me what I have"

"You'on want me out thea or somethin" he asked

"No because if this is just a cold or something small you'd be coming out here for nothing then you'd have to go back and finish your business I'd rather you just do everything now" Dion said

"Aight but you call me if somethin is wrong Dee"

"Ok" Dion said putting on her shoes
"You at this hospital every two weeks" Milian said

"Ugh I know which is why I wanted to stay home" Dion said

"It's better to be safe than sorry Dee" she said

"I guess you're right, but"

"Ok Ms.Wilson you appear to have symptoms of pneumonia b-"

"Pneumonia?" Dion said anxiously

"We're gonna do more tests to make sure but, don't worry if it is pneumonia we caught it in it's early stage and it can easily be treated" She said

"How did she get pneumonia?" Milian asked

"Well Dion has a low iron deficiency which is common in pregnant women but there are many other causes"

"Is the baby gonna be ok?" Dion asked

"Yes it's actually better that we caught this in its early stage, we can treat it with medication first we'll do a chest X-ray to make sure and then we'll send you home"

"Ok" Dion said as the nurse left

"Want me to call Nasir?" Milian asked

"Not yet"

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