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"Did they say anything yet?" Dion asked as they rushed into the waiting room

"No they took him back bout a hour ago" Deshon said with his head down

"Is it bad?" Dion asked noticing the blood on Deshon's shirt

"We'on know yet Dion" Deshon lied

Nasir'd been shot twice once in the chest once in his stomach, Deshon lied because he didn't want to give her false hope nor did he want to bring her down.

"What happened?" Dion asked

"We got set up by one of the suppliers" Deshon said as his head hung low

They'd done business with this supplier a few times so they trusted him enough to let their guards down. Nasir took a bullet for Milo while Deshon killed the gunman.

Dion laid her head on Milian's shoulder and cried until she'd eventually fallen asleep

"Mommy, Daddy wake up" Noah said

"I'm up, that's yo stankin ass Momma man" Nasir said standing up

"I do not stink huh pooh?" Dion said

"Um lemme smell you" Noah said sniffing her

"No my mommy does not stink" Noah said

"Rock paper scissors fa who gotta cook" Nasir said

"I want you to cook Daddy, your eggs taste wayyy better" Noah said

"Excuse me?" Dion said

"You don't put enough salt on em yo eggs be tastin disgusting" Nasir said

"They do not I just rather my baby not have high blood pressure"

"I'm not a baby mommy I'm 3" Noah said

"Oh so you a big boy huh?" Dion said picking him up as they walked to the kitchen

"Yeah I am" she said as he sat him on the counter

"You wanna go off to tee-tee Milian's today?" Dion asked

"What're you guys gonna do I don't want ya to be bored"

"Oh trust me we won't be bored" Nasir said making Dion hit him

"Stop hittin me, whea yo ring at?"

"Wrong hand" she said showing him

"Mhm I mean you lose shi- I mean stuff all the time"

"This is the one piece of jewelry I've never lost in the almost 3 years I've had it"

"Our anniversary comin up ain't it?"

"Sure is" Dion said smiling
"Rodriguez" the doctor said coming into the waiting room making Dion wake up

"The surgeries went well we were able to retrieve both bullets but his right lung is collapsed so we put a chest tube in and he's stable"

"When can we see him?"

"He should be awake soon, he's in the ICU only two visitors at a time"

"Well imma go ion wanna see him like that" Deshon said

"Yea we'a be back in the mornin" Milo said as they left

The truth is they were looking for the supplier that set them up to kill him and find out why he suddenly turned on them but Dion and Milian didn't need to know that.

"I'll go with you Dion" Milian said

"Okay" Dion said following the doctor to his room

She bit her lip to prevent herself from crying while looking at Nasir. Dion hated seeing him like this and wished she could take his spot.

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